fitness levels



  • I've just been for a 3.5 mile power walk and feel shattered and sweating like I've been running. Not a happy bunny :((
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I've just been for a 3.5 mile power walk and feel shattered and sweating like I've been running. Not a happy bunny :((

    Rest means rest
  • Hi Sonicdeathmon
    OK I will try your plan and thank you for doing it for me. Going to rest this week,well rest from running anyway, may do a few walks or bike rides,or just some squats/lunges. Then see if I feel OK Monday and will start the plan,hopefully I will feel better but if not I'm not gonna try the half marathon because failing to run all of it will make me feel even worse than I am now. After my walk today my hips are feeling really achy and stiff though. There's a lot more to this running than just putting your trainers on and that's for sure;)
  • DavPaul
    Easier said than done though lol
  • I went to Drs and she just thinks its due to over training and running through the virus, complete rest and then just 2/3 times per week of running. So that's what I will do,no exercise till Monday now, a friend mentioned using Creatine,I've googled it and isn't it more for weight work rather than running
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I went to Drs and she just thinks its due to over training and running through the virus, complete rest and then just 2/3 times per week of running. So that's what I will do,no exercise till Monday now, a friend mentioned using Creatine,I've googled it and isn't it more for weight work rather than running

    Please rest. And you don't need creatine.