jessbb23 Member


  • Thank You for posting what so many others have been thinking! I also have PCOS and have been able to lose weight slowly on 1200 calories (which by the way is what MFP set my target at). I am slightly under 5ft so that also could contribute to my low calorie allowance. There are some days I try to eat 1300-1400 just so my…
  • I'm in! I gained back 10 lbs in the last 2 months. Most likely from all the wine and snack foods during the summer. The only liquid calories I will be drinking is the few I get from Crystal Light. I weigh in on Saturdays so my dates will also be a little off. Sept 29th weight - 169
  • I also had this happen 5 years ago when I was 32. At the same time I found out I have an allergy to peanuts, eggs and strawberries. All foods I had eaten for years with no problems. I had been suffering and didn't know why. I did eat an apple slice the other day and was ok. My doctor explained it to me this way. Think of…
  • I also have PCOS. I could not take the Metformin, it made me sick. I have started taking Cinnamon capsules (2 a day). There has been talk that they help even out your blood sugar naturally. I've only been taking them for about 2 weeks now and it varies from day to day how bad the carb cravings are. I also cut out all…
  • I'm only 4'9" and I do eat 1200 calories a day.....At least I try to. I eat breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and snack. I rarely ever feel hungry at the end of the day. I have been trying to exercise at work (20 min after lunch) 3 times a week burning about 200 calories each time. When I first started MFP I had it in my…
  • Right now I try to advoid certain foods that I don't trust myself to control the portion. Like's my weakness. There is no way I could sit down and eat 1 piece so I don't eat it. I don't plan on cutting it out forever, just until I get a better handle on my cravings. I guess it all depends on how strong you are.…
  • Thanks for your insight and encouragement! I guess maybe I do have some distorted views on food/weight loss. It helps to know I'm not the only one who struggles with this.
  • I am 4'9 and my I'm only supposed to eat 1210 calories to lose 1lb a week. I think it may be a height thing. I also am sedentary because of my desk job.
  • I love LUNA bars! I don't know if they are designed to be meal replacement bars or snack bars but I use them as both. They use 70% organic ingredients, have lots of protein, are low glycemic, and most are under 200 calories.....oh, and they taste great!