JPFleming77 Member


  • What about a Doctor who recommends a 1200 calorie diet? I have lost 43 pounds by eating right and exercise. I try to maintain a 1200 calorie diet and I would say if you are eating properly it is HARD to sometimes make it to that number. I have a friend who has lost 50+ pounds and her calorie intake is much higher than…
  • You look fantastic! I can only hope that I look that good when I get close to my goal weight!!! Congrats!!!:happy:
  • I weigh myself most morning after I use the restroom. I wiegh myself at work everyday. I wouldnt say that I am addicted to the scale. Everybody has their own way of doing things and if you feel that the scale is hindering you throw it out. Personally i <3 my scale (at least the one at work)!
  • You are crazy if you wont wear that out in public, I do understand the not wanting to, but you look amazing!!!
  • Let me also add that a friend of mine went from 220 to 145 and has kept it off for some time now. She works her *kitten* off though. Good Luck!
  • I am taking it also. I have been on it for about 6 weeks. I am not really sure that I have lost as much weight as most people say they have. I am using this pill to help make a life style change. I am working out at least 4 days a week and eating within a 1200 calorie range. My doctor and I discussed the pros and cons of…
  • You are more than welcome to add me or I will add you. You are more than welcome to look at what I eat. I use the Cooking Light cookbooks. They are AMAZING. My husband sometimes puts a slight spin on them but for the most part they are exactly within the calorie range. Try it out!!!
  • Sweet pepper bacon cheese cake........sounds gross but it is AMAZING!!!! Have a great day bacon lovers!!!
  • You look amazing. Thank you for sharing!!! Seeing people like you are an inspiration. I cant wait to be somebodies inspiration also!!!
  • I had some of the same problems. My family always wants to eat out (my kids mainly). I have always tried to plan ahead with meals for the week and the times that I dont I seem to spend a ton of money. Since getting serious with my weightloss, I started using Cooking light cookbooks. They are AMAZING!!! 5 ingredients or…
  • You have done a great job! You look happy and healthy and AMAZING!!!
  • I am 5'5" and curretly weigh in at 205. I started my journey at 225. My doctor wants me at or near 145. Add me! Always looking for motivational friends!
  • I am constantly moving my arms on the treadmill and the elliptical. I have noticed that my arms are looking a bit more toned. I am not a fan of sleeveless shirts but when you live in Kansas you must wear them to be comfortable! I think that all women have issues with this part of their body. Nobody wants "wings"!