Wow! Fantastic job! You lost an entire me and a few lbs more!
What is 1st!?!?!?!?!
The parents are at fault. Not the schools, not society, not fast food,
I live in Vegas, Off Durango By Smiths.
Yes, sodium makes you retain water- you NEED water. Fast food is yummy! Portion sizes.
I don't eat anything interesting. Still keeping mine closed.
3-5 times a day. I like seeing how much I've lost over the last few months. It makes me happy to be reminded. And helps to remind me more not to pig out cause I still have a tad bit left to lose.
Have sex ----> with the lights on. :)
I'm 5'7 and gw is 116-120. At 134 right now. 18 more lbs!
I'm going to stuff my face until I pass out :) Happy Thanksgiving!
Votted! And commented!
Um why are the wrist tattoos on the opposite sides on the before and after pics?...
Anything is possible. Look how much weight people lose on the biggest loser in 6? 9 weeks.
I live in vegas as well. I use the Ymca gym [the rare time I am able]. I love it. The pool area is included, and the abs room, and blah blah.