

  • I can't have high calorie food sitting around the house. If it was me and I was still in my Atkins phase I could prolly use the meat stuffs. These days though, I've converted to mostly salad and fruit at home. Anything richer than that I get out so I don't have it around. I guess one of my issues is snacking.
  • HW: 333 LW: 257 CW: 257 GW: 238 I'm 19 lbs away from my goal. I've been loosing about 1.6 lbs per week so it will take me 3 more months but I'll be there... Julie
  • I love video games. I have a Kinect on my 360 and a Wii with the step board, but mostly play FPS (first person shooter) games. I recently started working out in the gym doing Zumba, U-jam and Step class so I thought I'd try the video game versions. They do get you up and moving but are no where near the intensity. MFP (my…
  • I'm doing both low calorie and low glycemic ( a.k.a. low carb ). The Atkins and South-beach type diets work well but its easy to fall into bad eating habits. My brother lost over 100lbs eating steak, sausage etc. with no carbs at all. I was impressed with how unhealthy that approach was as well as the results, so I read up…