

  • Thanks i did not realise how much weight i had lost until my hubby showed me the photos a few hours ago, and we were saying how we did not even know how big i had gotten.
    in lost 28lb! Comment by Kazren August 2010
  • Thanks i have done it it really hits home when you see the photos next to each other dont it.
    in lost 28lb! Comment by Kazren August 2010
  • mon - 44 min walking mod speed - with double pram. - 233 kcal burnt 30 min wii fit free step - 155 kcal burnt Tue / Wed not well Thursay wii free step 90 min - 465 kcal burnt Friday wii fit free step 60min - 310kcal burnt Sat - sons bday, ran outta time. sunday play centre - 30min - 310 lcal burnt total 254min 1163kcal…
  • mon - 44 min walking mod speed - with double pram. - 233 kcal burnt 30 min wii fit free step - 155 kcal burnt Tue / Wed not well Thursay wii free step 90 min - 465 kcal burnt Friday wii fit free step 60min - 310kcal burnt total 224min 853kcal burnt! to go 136 min or 1337 kcal
  • mon - 44 min walking mod speed - with double pram. - 233 kcal burnt 30 min wii fit free step - 155 kcal burnt Tue / Wed not well Thursay wii free step 90 min - 465 kcal burnt total 164min 853kcal burnt! to go 196 min or 1647 kcal
  • There is nothing better than a skinny latte with a sugar free hazlenut shot from starbuck! the 20floz venti is only 190kcal, well i say only the full fat with standard shot is pushing up 400! its my treat once a week, i dont drink many hot drinks i am more a juice girl.
  • step aerobics is my fave!!! does the tum, hips and legs, plus if you hold two cans and swing those arms it works the bingo wings to!!!!!
  • Jensen Ackles or Jared Padalecki, for those who dont know who they are they are the brothers from supernatural, they are geougous!!!!
  • Congrats i only joined at the begining of the month and so far i am doing well as well, this website is a god send, and all the support is their when you need it.
  • Aparently, no matter how much you `join` in in the sex act, the orgasm can burn around 100 kcal.
  • I do the same and i am doing well i am looseing weight so it seems to be working, i am never and have never been a big eater during the day, its always the night my worst time, but eating this way i have realised that i am hungary as much in the evenings, to the point were i can wait for morning the hungar is not keeping…
  • No it just means you need to add it yourself, i have had to add quiet a few things especially the yoga moves.
    in Swiss Ball Comment by Kazren August 2010
  • for me this is the end of the day i have completed mon - 44 min walking mod speed - with double pram. - 233 kcal burnt 30 min wii fit free step - 155 kcal burnt total 74min 388kcal burnt!
  • I only consider myself as cheating if i go over my kcal, as long as you stay under your calories you are not cheating, as that is why i am calorie counting, you can eat what you want just in moderation.
  • MONDAY WEIGH IN 212.4, my goal was 205 so 7.4lbs to go, on track to far.
  • Hi all, i think i am loosing it, i was sure that i had commented on this group yesterday, but reading through i had not, well thats what kids do to your brain, so i will start again i am a sahm of three wounderful boys, Lucas is 6, Xander is 2 and Alfie is 3 mths, old. this group sounds great exactley what i needed some…
  • Can i join, i know that its halfway through the month already, but i have just noticed the thread. do you post daily or weekly?
  • I thought that, but as long as you make good choices, and eat all your 1600 if you are hungray then thats fine, you need to make sure you eat at least 1200 though, i am allowed 1600 and i normally eat between 1200 and 1500, that way when i have an of day and i go over by a few hundred i dont feel as bad cos i dont eat all…
  • Hi all just found this link and i like. i have three boys, and i am a sahm, my boys are 6,3 and 3months,i have decided that they are not going to grow up like did with a very large mum who i was always embarassed by when she picked me up even though i loved her dearley, my shock point was when i found out i was pregnant…
  • Hi i am in, i am making 8pm, my cut of point and thinking back the past few days i am 3 / 0 to snacks cant remember for sure past then though, but i have a surprise party tonight with food and it does not start until 7.30, so i am going togo up for one plate of food, and thats it, no nipping back for seconds, or munching…
  • Hi i joined a week ago thats a good idea to get us all together, share what workds and what does not. feel free to friend me if you like.
  • I would go with the heart rate moniter, as we all burn calories different, the stuff people have put on here for calories burnt is what they burn and we all exercise differently
  • Yeah i would love to loose 11lb before halloween, i am currently 216 so that would make me 205! The least i have weighed for a long time i cant even remember the last time i was under 210! it was years ago.
  • Hi i have accpeted your friend request, their are a few mums on here from netmums, its amazing how many people are trying to loose weight, all those years i thought i was on my own! if only i knew this site was here!!!
  • Thanks everyone for the help four glases dont seem as impending as 8 of this size, especially for someone like me who finds it hard to drink two large glasses of juice a day.
    in Water Comment by Kazren August 2010
  • Skinny cow ice cream is not bad, 87 cal for a stick / lolly and not at etc!!!
  • Wow thats fantastic i am pretty new at this to, i have not weighed yet as i only started yesterday, but i am the same as you i need motivation from people, friend me if you like. I know what it gets like when you give up hope, and if you are anything like me when you give it up you give it up royally.!!!:laugh:
  • Thanks everyone for your help, my carolie thing is set at its lowest as i am a housemum, i have three kids who keep me busy, i would not have thought i would have burned any calories for washing and stuff like that, but on the odd occasion when the two who are not at school sleep at the same time i have 1.5 hours to do…