

  • Way to go! You must feel fantastic.
  • Excellent point. I think the whole point of MFP is awareness. Thinking about what you put in your mouth BEFORE you put it in. As you say it's the excess calories that got us in this position in the first place. Eventually the training we get from MFP will be the natural thing to do. Cheers, Susan
  • I think the best, most accurate scales are the ones with balance beam (same type at the Doctor office). THere are mini versions of same for consumers. MFP recommends NOT weighing every day. It becomes self-defeating seeing the dial go up and down every day, I think weighing once a week is often enough, regardless of the…
  • You've lost 54 pounds Woo Hoo! That's fantastic. It's not all about dress size. How do you feel, How do you look, How is your energy, How is your attitude, Start measuring that too! You've done way way more than you are giving your self credit for !!! In whatever order the weight went on; the weight will come off in…