

  • These sort of things shouldn't happen to ANYONE.... But it happens. I was 23 when I was diagnosed with a very rare and potentially deadly cancer. I was fit, eating better, working out, never got into smoking anything more than the occasional hookah and drank, but nothing serious. I was at my first ever job, just started…
  • For me, clean eating means eating the foods (and amounts) necessary to reach your goal. You want to just lose weight, then eat less calories. You want to feel full, eat your darn proteins. You want to shed fat and lean out, take out the fats and sugars. Heck, you want to have an all natural body, then eat all natural…
  • I've never done a 5K run myself. Having been in and out of the hospital for the past year has kept me out of shape. However, I wanted to come and give my full support and wish you luck!! Should be quite a fun-filled experience~ :D
  • I weigh myself in the morning before eating but after going to the bathroom.... all in my BIRTHDAY SUIT!! :laugh: :blushing: As to when I record? I'm gonna start recording when a pound is lost or gained. That way, when I look at my charts, I can see when I was most successful and see if I can repeat it.
  • Mine have gotten smaller and sadly, are also starting to sag. My hope is that if I do some more chest exercise, they'll get just a little firmer. Honestly though, I kind of WANT a smaller top and a stronger, thicker bottom. - A -' I want to work my bum and leg muscles!! Am I strange? O.o'
  • I think some of us have failed to realize one thing... This thread is quite pointless. People are not going to stop being themselves, good or bad, funny or sad, happy or angry. Nothing will change. A person doesn't change their ways over night because a stranger online told them that they are being rude. They aren't going…
  • Well, no offense to anyone here but I just don't really see the point of this thread. Yes, this is a place where people are aiming to lose weight and support is needed, but you can't control other people and how they'll act. If they want to be rude, then why let it bother you? Why focus on the negative comments? You wanted…
  • Every body has their own personal preference in the kind of person they like. I know guys who only like skinny girls, guys who like muscle girls, and guys who like girls with meat on their bones. Each girl is different and unique; they have that something that the guy likes. Bigger girls have the super sexy busty curves…
  • I used to have this problem. My solution: LOTS of water and a good distraction from food (usually video games). I also happen to be far from the kitchen so I am not constantly grabbing snacks. It helps that I have small hands so that I if I do go for snacks, I can't hold very many. XD I usually just stay upstairs in my…
  • @waldoshomegir Bubbly and fun-loving~
  • You're looking amazing and you've got some amazing curves~ They are starting to look even better! Keep it up!!
  • Awesome job getting to where you're at now~ Keep it up! Hope you don't mind me keeping your blog in my favs? I have a blog of my own but it's targeted more for women. Still, I provide yummy recipes and fun music that I think everyone and anyone can use. :D
  • I've been at this for a while but I had to start over twice, once due to going back to college and a second due to moving states. But this time I'm super determined and I even started a blog. Feel free to add me and check out my blog for ideas and/or motivation. :D Lets do our best!!
  • What an amazing change~ I'm keeping your in my favs! :D
  • Thanks! I'll follow you back~ I like that you have a lot of information on yours. :D I'm JUST starting a recipe link. I even place music that gets me moving into my blog. :) Music and Recipes are my newest sections.
  • So I don't have to worry while I'm there and so that I can feel comfortable in a swim suit. Yes, it is VERY unreasonable but I'm so unhappy with how things turned out. I've gotten weak from being sick and am having trouble exercising again. My stamina and strength are gone. Just wanted to see if it was really possible but…
  • I know that... but I do have this twisted idea that if I better shape and tone my body, he'll like me more. It's a terrible view... but it's because of this that I've pushed myself this far. Sadly, I always believed that no one would ever like me because I was pudgy. This is the mental issue I developed from being…
  • I guess it's not so much about the logging but just the physical change that I've been seeing. I could decide NOT to log but still be obsessed with the way I look. I just want to feel good. I admit that I'm doing this because I want to feel attractive to a certain someone... I want him to REALLY notice me and want me for…
  • During the winter, I don't really shave my legs all that often (I just do the basic arms and under the arms). My hair a a bit thicker so if I shave every day, I get lots of cuts, burns, and in-grown hairs (although there are ways to thin out the hair, it's just too much work). I wear pants anyway so I figure, why bother?…
  • Nah, Just honest~ I'm lucky to have an awesome, beautiful MFP friend! :)
  • Hm, I see a slight difference. I see beautiful and then I see gorgeous~ ;D Haha, always thought you were super pretty girly! I'm really proud of how far you've come and I'm glad to see a bigger, brighter smile on that cute face of yours! :) Keep up the good work~ ♥♥♥♥♥
  • I agree with everyone. Don't log. First of all, you're out for Valentine's Day with your special someone so that alone should give you good reason NOT to log. Enjoy your day, don't worry about food or calories. It's okay to have fun once in a while. :) <3
  • I lose more weight by drinking more water. I wasn't a huge fan of drinking water but now, it's all I drink. I go to restaurants and I get water. I go to vending machines and my first choice is water. I keep a bottle of water by my at all times when working. A single bottle of water is about 2 cups and it can go pretty…
  • I weigh myself every day just to get an idea of what my body is going through. I know when I've eaten too much my body will be a pound or 2 heavier because it has more to digest. If I drank a lot of water just before bed, I'll be up 1-2 pounds. If I'm on my time, I know I'll be up to 3 pounds heavier sometimes due to…
  • This might seem weird but I'm going to get myself a tattoo. There's this beautiful idea I have that I've been wanting for YEARS but never had the right body for it. Well soon I will have the body to show it off~! :D It's going to be beautiful~
  • Not sure if there's a Plato's Closet nearby so I'll have to look into that. That actually sounds fantastic~! :D And thank you btw! It's such a nice feeling. Still got a little ways to go. ;) I never tried American Eagle only because when I used to go in their, nothing ever fit. Now that I'm smaller, maybe I should give it…
  • I weigh myself everyday in the morning so I can see the gradual change, understand my body's fluctuations, and not have to get on the scale with my fingers crossed. I couldn't do weekly. :/ Some people can. Add: Plus, weighing myself everyday keeps me motivated through the day. If I did it every week, I'd probably only…