

  • I sit all day too and every trip to the restroom I always use the large stall. A co-worker showed me how to do pushups off the wall. I overlap my fingertips and try to hold my wrists and elbows as closely as possible. Stand back at a comfortable distance and push away from the wall. You should feel the pull in the back of…
  • I am currently experiencing the same thing. I have lost 86 lbs and many of my co-workers are saying the same thing. How can you say that I don't need to lose my last 14 lbs when I still weigh over 200? I am 5'10" and my goal weight is 190, but they say that I am considered skinny at 204? Please!!!!!! I don't want to weigh…
  • They are around $80.00 at Walmart. It's made by Mr. Coffee and we can't live without it. To get a smooth product be sure to use the type of ice cubes recommended in the directions.
  • Ditto. My husband sent me a text message (joke) and told me that he was leaving me for the person at the window that made his caramel frappe. He said that it looked better than the picture! Before he came home that day I went to Walmart and bought him a frappe machine. We use Starbucks espresso beans and sugar free caramel…
  • I love my elliptical. Since I have eight bulging discs, fibromyalgia, and myofascial pain syndrome, exercising was really difficult for me. Please know that not all ellipticals are created equal. The Life Fitness elliptical is the only one that my body will tolerate. It has made a huge difference in my weight loss journey.…
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