

  • I'm 5' 5 & 1/2". I am currently 195 and my goal weight is 150 for now. I was at 289 about 10 years ago but when I started this site I was at 247. I've been up and down but even if it takes a few years to finally reach my goal I'll keep trying. Good luck!
  • There are exercises you can do that will build up those muscles. One of them: lay stomach down on an exercise ball. Alternating legs, lift one leg and press upward with your foot flexed about 10 reps each. Do about 5 sets per leg. That should be a good start.
  • I've heard that coffee, grapefruit and onions speed up your metabolism. I'm not sure about lemons but I know that they are a natural diuretic. Created by - Free Diet Plans
  • Ummmm.......ok, who started with the talk about ice cream and cake? :huh: Parties are hard for me because I love, love, love cake! (And ice cream, too, but mostly cake) LOL Christine Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • Good morning ladies! I'm sorry I missed you all yesterday, but I was on the road. I am in the Big Easy this week (where I was born and raised) visiting my sister who had surgery Tuesday on her ankle. Just keeping her company and visiting my other siblings and my mom (who moved to North Carolina after Katrina) who is also…
  • Good morning ladies. I ate twice the calories i normally eat yesterday, but because of calories I burned exercising, they were all earned calories...still, I don't like eating too many of those because I want to lose, not maintain. LOL Anyway, I am trying not to beat myself up and just chalk it up to my body took over my…
  • Lisa, don't you just love it when the hubby gets all romantic? !! I have one of those, too. He doesn't always, but when he does he goes all out! I hope you have a great time! I'm doing good with the water today, just haven't been really thirsty. Also, exercise half over for today, just elliptical and lower body strength…
  • Good job Katie & Silver! I weighed in this morning too, not my usual weigh in day, but I was down another pound and it made me happy. :happy: Great start to the day for us all! Let's keep up the momentum. Christine Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Congrats on your life choice and good luck with your goals! Christine Created by - Calorie Counter
  • I'm so sorry about Abby, Lisa. :brokenheart:
  • Lisa, I have infertility issues also, but they aren't due to my weight. I've had 5 miscarriages, one of them was a set of twins that I actually carried into the second trimester. Much of my weight issues were due to depression over it. I had to learn to accept the fact that God has other plans for me, though I've always…
  • I'll cross my fingers and toes Lisa! :laugh: Christine Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • You're right Jill! Sometimes your body is changing and the results just aren't visible by the number on the scale. I know for me, my weight is coming down slowly but I'm toning and firming and building lean muscle since I've incorporated weight training in my exercise routine. I'm losing inches for sure because I have to…
  • Anytime Lisa! That's what we are here for after all, encouragement, motivation,'s a boost when someone recognizes your efforts! We all have a gift. My mom always said that mine was the ability to make others feel special. I try to live by that standard. :heart: I probably would have lost another pound but my…
  • August 26th LisaC - 160.2 (down 2.2...woohoo) Kathy - 160.2 (down 3.3 YEAH!!!) Too funny Lisa we weighed the same this morning. I hit my 15lbs! ANd my mini goal of 160 by Sept 1st Alanna - 182.1 Olivia - 175 Bri - 160 Debbie - 195 Christine - 199 Daniel - 135.5 kgs Silver - 188 Emily - 210 Sabrina - 162-163 Pam - 210 Kitty…
  • It hard staying the straight an narrow especially when you have other people to be responsible for. I applaud all of you working mothers who are trying so hard to this for yourselves. It being just me and my husband (one kid in college and the other living with bf), him working nights and me being a housewife with so much…
  • After you add all of your exercises in the strength training section, go to the cardio section and type in strength training then add the total minutes trained. Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • Good morning all! I'm up and getting ready to start my day. I couldn't fall asleep last night. I ate a bowl of cereal and passed right out. I burned 1500 calories yesterday while my intake was 1350 so I am guessing my body was rebelling. :wink: Goals for today: Complete all exercise on my list (I haven't had a problem with…
  • Welcome to the new members who joined our support group! Lisa, girl, I know what you mean about the days when we don't stick to our daily calorie total! I have had some days where I was so disappointed that I was like "what's the point in logging?" Ugh! For me, I have found that when I do try to log those calories in I am…
  • Good-morning everyone! I'm a little tired this morning, but ready to begin my day. Here's sending out encouragement to everyone, I know you can all obtain your daily personal goals! :love: Have a great day all! Created by - Free Calorie Chart
  • Ok, Megan....I couldn't do it. LOL Woke up this morning and did 3 miles at the track. Oh well! Happy Sunday ya'll! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Good evening everyone! I forgot to post yesterday but today I burned 1252 calories and consumed 1254. My workouts consisted of my daily 3 miles at the track, pilates, 30 min low impact aerobics, upper body strength training (bicep curls, lat pull down, bench press, military press and pec butterfly) and an hour on my…
  • I agree with most of the advice here. We are on a budget too and skim milk, cheese, oven roasted turkey meat, eggs, peanut butter, apples, bananas, carrots, celery and whole grain cereal are are relatively low cost and pretty much cover your food groups. Also, beans and rice are cheap, can be stretched, and are very…
  • It's such a great motivation to see everyone's successes! It's almost a shame that we don't live closer so we could buddy up and train together. At least we can keep each other updated. :flowerforyou: Lisa....I'm pulling for you that you can fight the urge to splurge, but if you do don't beat yourself up for it. Sometimes…
  • Good morning everyone! :drinker: Yesterday my calorie intake was 1754 and I burned 1346. 3 hours cardio, 1 hr strength training. Up and at em this morning....on my way to the track for my daily 3 miles. I am thinking about changing up my aerobics to step aerobics today and maybe 20 minutes on the punching bag. Pilates is a…
  • Name: Christine A little bit about me: I'm 39 and have been working on my fitness for over 10 years. I have my ups and downs but I am in a stage of determination so I'm rolling with it. I am married, no kids of my own but the step kids are adults now so it's basically just me and the hubby. (The 20 yr old is a jr @ Ole…
  • Well, I exercise a lot, but some of the things I do are power walk 3 miles a day at the track, hour on my elliptical, at least 5 miles on my mountain bike, crunches on the exercise ball, weight training, aerobics, step aerobics, pilates, jump rope, tennis & golf. I do some combination of these exercises 6 days a week with…
  • Yea, girl! WTG!!! B-E-A-utimous! :wink: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I want in on that action! :happy: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Tricep extentions for your upper arms. They tighten the underarm flab. You've hit a plateau...I do often...change up your cardio routine and try adding some light weight training. :wink: Created by - Free Calorie Calculator