jodibefitvegan Member


  • Chia seeds are a great source of calcium AND omega 3 fatty acids. if you google ground chia seed chocolate pudding, there is a great recipe. I think it's 1 1/2TBS chia, 1 1/2 cups almond milk, 4 or 5 pitted dates, 2 TBS raw cacao powder, dash of vanilla (optional). Blend until smooth and chill in fridge before eating. It…
  • I like Brendan Brazier's book, Thrive, although not the recipes so much.
  • I'm not a body builder, but do strength train. i get my protein from chlorella, nuts and seeds, beans, hemp seed and protein powder, and vegan Shakeology. I have progressed faster and recovered faster at the age of 42 than i ever did back in my meat eating days. I eat about 75% raw.
  • I've done Chalean and love it, but I understand where your husband is coming from. Chalean is very motivational, not annoying at all, and puts a lot of research into her program. I've done her program 3 times (I'm little-110 lbs, and have increased my weights dramatically) It even has a great cardio program with it. I know…
  • You've gotten a lot of great advice already. Changing your routine up and having an accountability group is a great way to stay on track. Do you think you would like working out at home with a video instead of at the gym?
  • Welcome!
  • I personally feel best when I eat mostly raw. I add a little cooked food to one of my daily meals. Usually it is quinoa, beans, or a sprouted grain wrap. I work out pretty hard and live in the midwest, so I have found it difficult to eat 100% raw. If you are eating a variety of good quality food, and staying within your…
  • I have been using a wonderful superfood shake to lose my last stubborn 5 pounds-it works wonderfully. I really love this product-it is only 160 calories too!
  • How about some avocado, coconut oil, or just sprinkling some nuts and seeds on your salads?? I have the opposite problem!