chelseabuns88 Member


  • I was an extremely picky eater until I made a conscious effort to eat healthily... I don't really like a lot of fruits and veg but I just tried everything until I found stuff I didn't hate. In the end, I was really surprised about the things I couldn't stand that I now actually enjoy! This isn't nutritional advice, but…
  • Yeah, I think it's part and parcel, but as everyone says, it varies from person to person. Actively attempting to tone the areas that bother you with weights can only benefit, so it's definitely worth doing and you may find you achieve excellent results! Just remember, the positives will outweigh the negatives, try not to…
  • Do you have stretch marks on your loose skin? I have stretch marks that I developed during puberty, but my arms are disproportionately large anyway and they seem to be the first place I gain weight (and the last place I lose it). When I reach my goal weight I definitely want surgery as I know the loose skin will not…
  • 100% this! I like everyone to think I know exactly what I'm doing and I'm terrified about making foolish mistakes. I've always been too hard on myself in this respect, instead of admitting I don't know EVERYTHING and getting help with it, I'd rather just avoid it altogether.. With that said, in the past year I've done…
  • Thank you everybody =) The first step is always the hardest, I just needed that push (/a loud voice telling me the paranoia is unwarranted)! I will be investigating all my options this week… I'm looking forward to it!
  • Celebrate or endure? ;)
  • Mine's set at sedentary, I log (but underestimate slightly) all walks and if I do a deep clean of the house or any workouts I'll log that too (and find i do get hungrier and thus want to eat more after days with such activity). I find it easier this way because it's teaching me to listen to my body, but I still have the…
  • I'm restarting too, I lost almost 40lbs last year, but stopped counting after life got on top of me at the end of September and totally overindulged myself over Christmas. I weighed myself yesterday and had gained 13lbs since my last weight in (Beginning of September). Goals for this year; - Lose 50lbs (that's goal 1) -…
  • Your body is an amazing shape! You definitely have that Jessica Rabbit thing going on! Congratulations on your weight loss so far, keep up the good work, you're a true inspiration!
  • Unless someone believes they are a work in progress, they aren't. People are people, regardless of their aesthetics, occupation, education, intelligence, wealth.. If you cannot accept someone as you find them, they are not for you! I don't really believe in these categories.. If I like someone, I do.. if they change I…
  • I'm another Surrey person, Kingston based.. London buses = close enough?
  • Damn, I just replied and now I have to remember what I said again.. Basically I have loads of friends who identify as vegetarian/vegan and I couldn't care less what other people eat, at all.. but I have had some negative experiences with people who made me feel very uncomfortable for having the audacity to eat meat in…
  • I seem to be incapable of splitting quotes and don't want to flood this topic with my own personal mantra of "live and let live".. But I will certainly enjoy my popcorn next time I go to the cinema!
  • Like I said, different people see food in different ways. For example, I enjoy going to the cinema and eating popcorn and a big crushed ice drink, it is part of the 'experience' for ME.. that doesn't mean I don't enjoy eating a salad for lunch or that I don't enjoy healthy home-cooked meals almost every day, but I don't…
  • We (as a human population) enjoy a lot of things that may be considered unhealthy or high risk.. Whether people are physically depriving themselves of the calories and nutrients they need to keep their body healthy and functioning, or mentally deprived of things they enjoy, the depravation still exists. If you don't enjoy…
  • I lost another 3lbs, I wasn't expecting a loss at all.. it was a great feeling!
  • I save almost all my calories for the evening.. I can't go to bed hungry and the evening tends to be the time I get serious cravings, if I ate an early dinner I'd be almost guaranteed to stuff a load of junk food before bed! If you're not at all hungry, there's not much point eating the calories.. but a snack isn't going…
  • Relationships are so much more complicated than these meaningless physical ratings.. This is the problem with dating websites, obviously people who are deemed to be more typically physically attractive are going to hook more fish, your photo is your bait.. doesn't mean they don't get thrown back after a little inspection.…
  • Spice Girls in 1998, before Geri left.. I don't really remember anything about it, other than being told off for dancing on my chair, buying a bright pink Spice Girls scarf and scribbling out Geri's face on my programme after she left later that year, haha..
  • Meee, well.. I want to lose AT LEAST another 80 =)
  • Mine aren't 'smart ads' based on internet usage.. I'm getting graze boxes and farm foods, as well as protein powder, hair transplants and insurance.. but no pizza.. lucky me?
  • Am I being really dense.. What kind of chutney?.. I've only ever had the mango variety!
  • And here I was thinking exercise was about improving health, fitness and overall wellbeing! Either way, I'm not getting any at the moment so I'd probably log it just to acknowledge it happened!
  • I think eating when you're hungry is good advice, but it's the choice of food you eat that needs to be the focus! I saw from your diary you're eating a lot of low fat options? I know it can seem scary but could you substitute for full fat options? I also noticed quite a lot of junk food and sweets, the better food you eat,…
  • I would say if you know you continue to under eat when eating 'intuitively' just increase your portion sizes and ensure you eat three meals a day and add snacks.. I agree that obsessively counting calories could be dangerous, but you may find that meeting the goals you set yourself gives you a sense of accomplishment..…
  • Crazy.. If you're consistently struggling to meet the calorie target, why not just slightly increase the portion size for each meal.. the same macro levels, higher calorie count.. I personally cannot understand how people struggle to make it to 1200 calories.. do you really not like food that much? It can make you feel…
  • If people are happy, so be it. I'm here because I don't want to get fatter.. but I don't particularly give a crap about BMI either.. As long as I FEEL healthy and happy, I could not care less. Some people are perfectly happy being overweight, I wish everyone would just get over it.. It's none of your business, just because…
  • This thread is great! My sister was a chubby kid, but she's now a very tall and slender young lady.. My great aunt (who is 84) never misses an opportunity to mention her weight, either she's starving herself or she MUST have worms/be ill.. oh, and it's totally unnatural for a 17 year old girl to have an A cup.. I can't…
  • You all look amazing! I can't imagine myself ever donning a one piece swimsuit, let alone a bikini.. but I really hope I learn to love myself, sooner rather than later! You ladies are a wonderful inspiration =)
  • Proper cleaning is exercise, pushing the hoover round for 5 minutes or wiping the work surfaces over quickly, not so much.. but if you clean out a whole room top to bottom, or do the chores all over the house and it's above and beyond your normal daily activity, it is worth counting! If you're a very active, fit person, at…