ChunkySpice Member


  • Since I didn't do it before... Name: Jasmin Birthdate: 12-29-80 (yes, I am 31 even though I look 18) Height: 5'2 SW: 221 CW: 201 GW: 180 UGW: Depends on how I feel at 180, maybe 160 I live in central Pennsylvania with a disabled rabbit. My ex has our two kids. My son is 4 and my daughter is 18mo. I work for the state…
  • 1. I'm the queen of excuses. My biggest one? I'm too tired. (Maybe if I got up and exercised in the morning I would sleep at night and not be tired the next morning. *facepalm*) 2. I don't count tastes of things. If its less than a teaspoon it doesn't get logged. 3. Haven't posted in awhile but my blog is at…
  • So... its mid-April and I've lost 18ish pounds. This week I've upped my water and quit soda. It's gone much easier than last time I quit soda. Yesterday was only the second or third time I was actually under the sodium goal, and I've scheduled exercise DVDs into my calendar in hopes I might do them.
    in Blah. Comment by ChunkySpice April 2012
  • I went to that site for the same reason and it gave me 2326. Taking off the 15% brings me to 1979, which sounds like way too many calories for a 5'2 woman who only exercises 3x/wk. All of this stuff confuses me. Lol.
  • No, its one of those dancey type ones they have infomercials for. But I do a lot of lifting (transferring 115lb people) and twisting at my job. I'm not even walking that fast. :-/
  • Ack! No, I'm only most days 1-300 calories under what I set it at. But I exercise 30min/day 3 days a week (walking) and do a 55 min DVD once a week. (I'm set at 1600 and the reason I'm asking is it seems like I'm not working very hard at all for my roughly 1lb/wk loss.)
  • I'm 5'2, 206lbs, and losing at net 14-1600 with only exercising 3x/wk for about 45minutes. According to the bmr thing, mine is 1602. Does that mean I should actually increase, or that I'm good where I am? I'm trying to get to 160, regardless of how long it takes.
  • My parents aren't on board. They understand I am trying to lose weight yet don't understand why I need to eat every few hours when they live off liquid breakfast and don't eat til lunch. Anyway... I've lost 15lbs. Right now I am yoyoing between 208 and 205. I'm not having that hard of a time with the eating itself, but I…
    in Blah. Comment by ChunkySpice March 2012
  • Like a few of you, I was a skinny active kid. I ate what I wanted, including an entire box of Mrs Paul's fish sticks, and it burned off right away. Then I hit puberty. I was an early bloomer and my body made me uncomfortable so I wore clothes two sizes too big to hide it even though I only weighed 115lbs at 5'2. When I was…