biddy249 Member


  • great job! You look 10 years younger now. Awesome
  • Weigh yourself once a week, same day, same time and don't get on the scale any other time. Otherwise you will go bonkers. If you your not losing weight then your not eating at a deficit even though you think you are. Make sure you log everything and eat clean. Hang in there and do the right things and the weight will drop.
  • just get moving, and then learn how to eat.
  • I prefer running but do ride a stationary bike on occasion. If your running you need to give your body a rest day each week. It helps on recovery. I would say do either which one you feel like that day. As long as your getting exercise that is all that matters. I think the combination of the two is a winner. Just keep…
  • The body needs rest and recovery. I rest on Sundays and may take a walk or do a light workout. Just listen to your body. If you go hard 7 days a week you will do more harm than good.
  • I think what you need is not "positive advice" but a firm kick in the *kitten*. You either want to be fit or your don't. What is it going to be, you done it before and know how to do it. Nobody is going to take care or you but you. Stop making excuses and decide what you want to do. It is not complicated, just make the…
  • No, just eat the darn pizza and enjoy every bite. I work it into my plan and it's something I look forward too weekly.
  • I rest and recover from 6 days of working out hard and cardio. I take Sunday as a rest day and sometimes go for a walk or work in the yard but no focused planned workout. My body needs the day to recover and get ready for the new week.
  • Congratulations on selecting a healthy lifestyle! Amazing results.
  • My wife has washed two so far. Both had to be replaced. Sorry about your luck. She know hangs a sign over the washer to "check for Fit-bit".
  • I started using trekking poles a few years ago and see the benefit. They are really good at reducing the shock on your knees and lower extremities. If your knees are weak our your fitting pain with age the trekking can be your friend. However, if your young and in good shape you may not need them or want them. I find they…
  • Great job! I love to run too and you will be surprised with the results over time. I might suggest adding 2 to 5 minutes a week to each of your runs. The next thing you know in a few months you are running 30 to 40 minutes a session and will be ready to hit the 5K circuit. Keep up the good work and enjoy the run. If you…
  • That is exactly what I did all of 2013 and enjoyed the program. Just make sure you listen to your body as you increase your mileage and get your rest on the weekends. You will be surprised how much you increase your miles. I would recommend doing some interval work while on the treadmill once a week and also try keeping a…
  • I usually have a banana before hand and make sure you have been hydrating all week. If your longest run is under 5 miles you may not be ready for a 10K. That being said don't put too much pressure on yourself to complete the race without stopping. Go with the run / walk method and you will have a better experience. Just…
  • My guess is that this post is total BS! Nobody is going to say something like that, come on people don't be so gullible.
  • Quit making excuses and get moving, start walking. You either want a healthy lifestyle or you don't. A healthy lifestyle will lead to weight loss. It's up to you and nobody else.
  • Great advice and a good reminder that slow and steady wins the race. Also, don't beat yourself up over the numbers, we all have good days and bad days.
  • Congratulations Jim, that is awesome! Keep up the good work and watch the pounds fall off. Stay focused.
  • Great Job! keep up the hard work and good luck on the journey.
  • Enter your activity into MFP and Fitbit will auto adjust when needed. There is no double dipping that way and you will be fine. Checkout the fitbit forum for more information
  • Congratulations young lady, you have just inspired many people who think they cannot make it happen. Continue to set the example and tell your story, you never know who is out there lurking that just needed this story to get them moving. Keep up the good work.
  • healthy weight banana bread oat mill with fresh strawberries
  • Pure Protein bars are my favorite, taste great. Get them a Costco.
  • You just explained very well why you want to get fit, sounds like your already motivated. Now get moving and stop making excuses. No one is going to do this for you, only you control you. If you want it, go get it! The help is here and sometimes you have to hear things you don't want too listen too.
  • If you want to monitor your steps / activity you might want to purchase a fit bit and link it to MFP. I have one and the two programs work well with each other and the activity is automatically adjusted for you. That way all your activity is accounted for as long as you wear the fit bit.
  • My guess is MFP does not recommend 1100 calories a day. This is a lifestyle adjustment not a fad diet. If you set your MFP goals and really track what you eat you will be fine. It is a simple equation of calories in calories out. You have to have a deficit daily to make it work but it must be reasonable. Weight loss…
  • I gave up soda 17 years ago and only drank tea and water. I have since gave up tea and strictly drink water. You will loose weight when giving up soda plus you will feel better. Do some research into soda and its impact on the body and you will gain some motivation to chuck it. That crap offers no value whatsoever IMO.
  • A man is not going to start working out until he has that "ahha" moment, sometimes that is a health scare or the light finally goes off in ones head and they say it's time to get moving. Until he decides for himself to get moving there is not much you can do. I would advise just setting a good example yourself. Lead the…
  • Awesome job!!!!