abull63 Member


  • Good job. Never give up. If you have a bad day start again the next day but never give up. Moderation is the key. Also if you drink a glass of water before and after each meal it will help you to lose weight. Have a healthy journey!
  • I've never heard of Shakeology before but recently I bought Herbalife and I am already feeling better after one week of using. And best of all my weight is moving down. I am only having one shake a day but it seems to lessen my cravings. I just wonder if other protein products, for instance, those you can buy at Walmart,…
  • You can do it girl. Just remember that you are a beautiful person no matter what the packaging is on the outside the inside will always show. I am 63 years old and I have realized in my lifetime that my opinion of myself is the most important. If you keep your spirits up the results will come. Keep trying. I know you can…
  • Hi Bellapumpkin: I too am overweight but am also diabetic because of my weight. I have type II diabetes. Doctors say I need to lose about 30 pounds or more. I am struggling too. I belong to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) which I really enjoy. The group is a lot of support but I have a lot of bad habits that I am trying to…