

  • It is best to do cardio and weight training separate. But if you must, do cardio after and be sure to stretch before and after. Good luck!
  • I had the same problem. My doctor gave me an inhaler to use before i workout so that this same problem doesnt happen during the workout. There were many times i would forget before and use it during. It has become easier to workout now through progress and i find myself not having to use the inhaler as much. Good…
  • I had the same issue awhile back and i tried to run with a friend of mine outside and she couldn't keep up. I decided to get my run in first and then call her to run at her pace. She didn't run very long or very fast. I pushed her to run faster and longer and she gave up on running outside. Or you could try the honest…
  • Thankyou I was worried about not eating enough and have a hard time getting all my calories in since I have been keeping track of my daily diet. Oviously this wasn't a problem before or I would not have a weightloss goal! :happy:
  • My main question is when you do your exercise and it says you earned X amount of calories, does that mean you should be eating that many more calories on top of what you already should be eating?
  • I did the 30 day shred a year ago and it helped me with strength and shedding a few lbs, bout 5-7 I think. After my 30 days I started Jillian Micheals banish fat boost metabolism (45 min workout) for the next couple months. I lost about 17lbs total from both. I went from 154lbs to 137lbs. I gained it back due to just being…
  • Just signed up and im really excited. I have been working out but never really tracked calories on my own. I had a friend who is great at it but she's moving away. I think myfitnesspal and I are going to be great together. Last year I lost 16lbs by exercising and watching how much/what I eat. After a while I got burned…