

  • im in the same boat for a year and a half ive been eating 1200 calories and im down 74 lbs , in december i started getting sick over and over and then my wii broke (i use wii fit as im in an area thats cold most of the year and doesnt work well with my asthma) well im finally back to working out as i had gone up something…
  • IM 5ft exactly and i get between 900-1000 cal daily but i found for me thats what works. i dont think anyone can exactly work for you cause everyone is different , i think you should tinker around and see what works for you personally. i watched the scale before bed and when i woke up to see the fluctuations and then tries…
  • I so hear this!!!! i do the exact same thing!!!!! i almost wonder if its cause im scared this isnt real or something i know it sounds stupid
  • I am in this same boat! i started at 230+ lbs and am currently down 63 lbs and i am constantly in stores looking at clothes that i know realistically i fit now but still thinking "wouldnt it be nice??" till a remind myself im in that size now. granted i still have 58lbs to lose and i know i am at a weight i havent seen in…
  • ive been getting weight watchers greek frozen yogurt
  • ok i just looked i only have 420 to my name not 480
  • i think if its not gonna throw your goals off then go for it however i know for me it would be too much for willpower as it would be very hard going back to the grind. for me its best to get into a routine and not alter it. but everyone is different and if it works for you then go for it , you wanna get healthy but you…