

  • I wouldn't count it. It truly isn't "exercise". I posted on another topic that "health" is defined as being able to complete your everyday workday tasks and still have energy to participate in moderate intensity physical activity 5 times a week for pleasure and exercise. It's probably going to help you to underestimate…
  • I'm sure you are aware that you cannot "spot reduce" areas, so doing back exercises won't just make your back thinner. You've got to lose it all over. That being said I'm doing my best to get my back looking good too! When I met my fiance I was about 70 lbs lighter and had a really nice V-shape to my upper body due to my…
  • Thanks! Eagles fan aye? I am a pretty big Cards fan, but I try to follow all the bird teams haha. How do you think Kolb has done this year? By the way, do you already do the Wii EA Sports thing? How is it?
  • When I was in college "health related fitness" was defined as being able to complete your normal work-day with all the activity it entails and still have the energy to participate in physical activities for pleasure and exercise. This is an odd concept, but like everyone else has said what you do during your workday is not…