

  • Haven't checked in for a week, but I completed week five today. I'm trying to exceed what they were asking for. On d3 today, I ran for 2.5 miles, in 27 minutes, slow but fairly steady. I feel like I will improve as the weeks continue. Getting ready to sign up for first 5k in September
  • Sounds good to me
  • Had been doing other running related things since Monday, so today decided to do wednesday and Fridays workout. Did fine, went about 4 miles so felt pretty awesome. Also got a bike today so the rest days can be fun
  • Was looking at a different plan on runners world. So after running 1.5 on Wednesday I tried following it again and going two miles today. I went two miles in 20:02. Feeling bad about not doing the c25k workouts tho so I will finish week 4 tomorrow morning
  • Was supposed to do wk 4 day 2 today, I went out and just tried to run instead. Pretty sure there is a total of 16 minutes for today split up into intervals, I ran 1.6 miles ( I had mapped out the turnaround point for the 5 k so I ran there) in 17 minutes. Felt pretty proud of myself. I don't think it will hurt my progress…
  • Week 4 day 1 complete. Hardest day to get out there so far, because I played basketball for an hour and a half last night. But I did it. Went 1.86 miles in the 21 minutes of not warm up or cool down. Need to work on my pace a little still.. Slow down a tad
  • I personally would just do all of week 2 this upcoming week, pretend that you did the right thing on the last one and start week two as if you hadn't done one of the workouts already..
  • I follow the developer on twitter, they said the issue was a connection with fitbit, and it should be better now.
  • Yeah on the character screen, click the x next to the item u want to unequip
  • Did week 3 day 3 today. Still trying to work on form, and I think I might have been going too fast. I'm also nit resting between days as I'm testing out different running apps lol. Next week I will be able to bike on rest days which will be nice..
  • Jim is the man at this!!!
  • Today was supposed to be w3d2 so I go out and start, did my warm up and started running, the only problem was that my ipad was on silent mode.. Felt like had been running a little too long so I looked and it was 6 minutes. Then I check my phone and see that my tracking was paused the whole time.. So frustrated with them I…
  • Before dropping 220 on a watch, try getting a drawstring bag. I use it and I love it. Keep my ipad, sweatshirt for a little padding and even a water bottle in it. I like the fact that if I hold its tight my hands can use the strings as a guide for decent form. I carry a fair amount of stuff but it doesn't feel like I'm…
  • Good to know.. I can't wait to get my bike.. Waiting for a co-worker to get back from a trip, he is an avid bike rider and is selling me one of his extras. It'll be nice to have an exercise I can take my baby with, we got a tow cart for her to ride in..
  • Awesome man.. And congrats about the game going on right now...
  • Yeah I tried the random also. Don't think anything happened. I did a lot of quests at once last time too..
  • Yeah those quests go by calendar day in most cases, so say you signed up for the 20k at the beginning of the day. Once you finish it, say at 2 pm you could theoretically do the 10 k, 5k , and 15 k right after since you already had your 20 k steps in. If you chose to do a 25 k then you need 5 k more before the end of the…
  • You got me that time!
  • I have had that happen as well.. Getting a bike soon so I can change it up on the off day...
  • No I didn't see it. Yeah I think the bows are two handed weapons, so you can only have 1 equipped at a time. I have two maces equipped right now, since they do similar damage to the halberd, but you don't lose any of the other stuff. Also you can have boots and gloves equipped at the same time.. Hope this helps The weapons…
  • What are you using. There are some weapons that are one handed, so you can have 2 equipped at once of them. That may be how I pulled it out. Also new weapons and items become available as you level up And I have no idea how the gold works, I'm glad it doesn't take all of it.. That would be discouraging to play if you lost…
  • W3D1 done! Didn't get to play basketball last night so had an excess of energy this morning, ran an extra 1/3 of a mile after last 3 minute walk since I was a ways away from home. Did 1.85 miles in 20 minutes of running, which is the only part I track with the running app. Only sad part is knowing I have to wait til…
  • The iOS version received an update this morning to supposedly squash the bugs with it. I updated can't test it out with quests until I get some shorter ones back, or motivation to do a 5000 step quest in 2 hours lol..
  • I don't think u can join now that it started
  • Updated my ipad this morning and now I can't sign into the site. It's saying that it doesn't have my email. Is there another way to sign in that I'm not aware of?
  • No problem, another tip is sometimes you have to log out, then log back in again for it to update your progress.. On both iPhone and android.
  • Mentioned this a few posts above, the iOS app is a little behind the android one. They said there will be an update within the week for it to get it to work appropriately. The android one works great, so once they fix the iOS one you are in for a treat!
  • I'm worried how hard it'll be to find a job, and not really in a position for it as of now. Had to get my masters to keep teaching credentials, so I did that over the last year. So maybe in a few years.
  • Finished W2D3 today!