beckibell2 Member


  • These are my daytime snacks, evening I'm a icecream person ...bars for 150-160 calories...there are some great ones out there I cook a chopped apple in the microwave with raw cranberries (fruit and filling) air popcorn snapea crisps, recently found and love but I have to moderate carrots and goldfish crackers = crunch &…
  • Welcome!!! I also love Zumba and other classes. This has been a great site for me too. This time around I'm tracking everything. It can be an eye opener. Happy logging.
  • Think about what is important to you, ie classes, equipment, childcare, pool etc. Ask staff how to use the equipment once you join. That should be a given, but normally you have to ask. I've been with a local gym $55ish month for just me (month to month) for 6 years which I have used all the time, expensive but worth it…
    in Gyms Comment by beckibell2 November 2012
  • Sunshine on my Shoulders makes me happy. (from Oregon)