

  • Just to keep those of you updated. I tested out quite a few things that were suggested. I have found if I eat 1000calories a day I lose weight if I eat 1200calories a day I stay the same weight which seems really silly that 200 calories makes all the difference in me losing weight but going to keep at it got a lot more…
  • I am 177cm tall and looking at the last few days all I have done is gone to the gym eaten my intake of cal and gained about 200-300g a day :s going to the gym again today and once again going to keep an eye on my food. My goal weight is 80kg I am 93kg now before having kids I was always on around 85kg but I have never been…
  • Thanks for the responses :) I do just feel like I am going round in circles. But just going to keep at it I have lost about 2.0 over all so far and just gaining and losing around that point. Going to try to get myself to the gym more often this week and see how I go just got to deal with how hungry I am after my work out.…