

  • LMAO at the comment about it being illegal to eat people, too funny. As for the original post, thanks for the info, it's really worth having a think about even though I still have a million miles to go till my goal weight.
  • It is hard having a partner that can eat anything and stay slim, the only good thing is that eventually it does catch up with them and they are not used to having to deny themselves like we are. Maybe explaining to boyfriends that while it is nice that they love the way you look and would be happy whatever size you are…
  • Try going to the gym in the morning instead. If your grandad needs help then maybe your partner can do it in the morning and you settle him in the evening while he goes to the gym. Ask the gym to do a program for you and try and touch base with a personal trainer every 2 weeks or so to make it appropriate to the level you…
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