lirpamc Member


  • I have Crohn's and also trying to lose weight..and I've been on prednisone since November (down to 10mg! Yay!). I'm doing CICO (calories in, calories out) and it's what works. Some days I can't eat the "healthy" stuff and eat whatever makes my gut happy. And the prednisone cravings are even harder... I'm just starting MFP…
  • Thanks! That's me to a T...I've been going up and down with the same 20lbs for the past year. My family doc asked if my gaining the 20 back was because of prednisone lol. Nope, just binged... :)
  • I've ALWAYS wanted to do it...just haven't got around to actually looking into it. Looks tough yet fun!
  • My goal for June is a 6lb loss! Haven't been giving it my all and need to refocus.
  • For me losing weight is a priority since I have so much to lose. I like to think I eat "semi-dirty" as well. Make healthier choices while also enjoying the food I love in smaller portions and getting more exercise in. Maybe when I hit my weight loss goal, I'll set new goals that involve eating more clean...we'll see when…
  • I've made the same thing but using chocolate PB2 instead of cocoa (I know that some find PB2 controversial but I LOVE it!) and I put mini chocolate chips on mine right before I eat it. It comes to about 300 calories. Delish!
  • For me I have a lot a weight to lose so my first priority is to lose weight. I watch my calories, exercise and choose more fruits and veggies. I'm making slow changes to my lifestyle so if that means I have a cookie everyday and it fits into my calorie goal, I'm going for it. I know for me if I take something totally out…
  • I've made this recipe and it's yummy! It uses chocolate PB2 though... Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Seed Pudding Calories: 133 | Fat: 6.6 g (Sat Fat: 1.5 g) | Carbohydrate: 15.9 g | Fiber: 4.5 g| Protein: 4.4 g ingredients: 1 T chia seeds 1/2 C unsweetened almond milk 1/2 packet Splenda or Truvia 1 T chocolate PB2 1 oz…
  • My husband and I are 15 years apart. (I'm 38 and he'll be 53) He's the first person I dated that I had SO much in common with. He's the love of my life and I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything!
  • Thanks for sharing. I'm a fellow Crohnie myself...diagnosed 15 yrs ago. Mine is strictly in my large intestine and I'm in remission thanks to Remicade infusions. I understand the up/down with weight. It's good to hear it can be done. Keep it up!
  • Portion control!! I couldn't believe what I thought was a "normal" portion. I was eating WAY too much.