Thanks hun. I agree.. Mental change is really difficult, the hardest battles you have to face are with yourself.
Thanks so much. :) I hope I inspire people. Inspiring others is a great thing. Most importantly, I want people to understand it doesn't come easy to everyone. Some people think that their dream isn't worth the struggle, and I hope to inspire people that it is worth working for. It's even better once you've worked your…
Thanks sweeties. <3. I've definitely gotten a lot of self esteem because of how far I've come. :)
Thanks lovelies. <3
Thanks so much :)))
Thanks everyone! and Wookinpanub; I heard that diet sodas can be worse for you though.. I mean, I didn't really do much research on it, especially since I really hate the taste of diet soda. But I do like the taste of diet 7up. Haha.
Thanks! :). I don't think the person who told me about it didn't know what they were talking about that much with this,since he told me it aids weight loss and boosts the metabolism. I was just making sure, since I thought it was more helpful to gain muscle
You look wonderful!
I was disappointed that I saw no results in 30ds, i mean, I followed a diet plan planned out by a nutritionist, and did 30ds, but I didn't lose weight, nor noticed a change in my body. I had more luck with Tae Bo, but the disk broke, so I was looking into Insanity. I'm not sure what the girls plan is, but I'm worried about…
I'm glad I'm not the only one.. I thought I was wrong for thinking it was stupid/insane. She said she's done research and apparently there was a women who lived 3 months without food, just drank water and had a 15 calorie salad every now-and-again. My heart hurts for the unborn baby too. :/
I've always wanted to try that since everyone says it's "not your typical smoothie, it's actually filling". But I honestly can't afford it and if I end up hating it and doesn't do what I hope it does then I wasted money..
Would it be a bad idea to use English Muffin instead? A regular one?
Your enthusiasm is contagious. :P This seems like such a good idea. I'll have to find out where to get Kasha. :D Thanks so much for sharing. I'm pretty excited to try it. Hah!
I never tried cottage cheese before. But after seeing that there's so many uses I perhaps will give it a go!
I'm glad you understand! :) What great ideas. Thank you so much for sharing.
Haha. I use Almond Milk aswell - unfortunately another person in the household loves milk. Because of that we go through a gallon of milk a day. Sometimes more. Even if we say "do not drink" they still do =P.
Thank you so much. :)
Haha. I'm considering buying a mini-fridge and keeping it in my room with all my food that I don't want others to touch. :P Hmm. I'll look into getting protein powder then. :) Thanks for the link!
I don't use protein powder - should I though?
As much as I love smoothies, they don't fill me up or keep me full during the workout. I usually make a post-workout smoothie for a snack.
Is there any way I can sub protein powder for something else? I don't really use it. It sounds delish though!
Haha. That actually sounds really good!
Hm I actually never heard of yogurt being an alternative to milk. Thanks so much for sharing. :)
I'll check it out the next time I can! Thank you! :)
That sounds absolutely delicious!
Wow, thanks for sharing! I
Hmm.. that's a great idea. Thanks for sharing!
Haha. Well - Care to share with me some ideas? You're absolutely right.
The problem with smoothies is that they don't seem to fill me up. :L I love them, but I usually make them as a post-workout snack.