mwilson57 Member


  • Lara Bars went on sale at the grocery store the other day so I but almost every flavor. The first one I tried was the Coconut pie one. Yuck. It's ok, but it doesn't taste like coconut pie. After thast first one I was a little wary, but the rest were very yummy! The cookie and chocolate and brownie ones were good! The…
  • I like my water icy cold, but hate the sensation of ice touching my lips, so I've started drinking my water with a straw out of a 22 oz soda cup. I fill the cup with ice then fill with water and repeat through the day. It's also helped me break my soda habit!
  • I second the recommendation for! There are a ton of great recipes there!
  • I second the recommendation for! There are a ton of great recipes there!
  • Spinach is great in smoothies! It looks weird, but doesn't really affect the flavor. Also spinach chips are good. Toss spinach with a little olive oil and salt and pepper (or whatever seasoning you prefer) and bake in the oven until crisp. Keep an eye on them though, they will go from done to burnt super quick!
  • That's too funny! Thanks for the smile!
  • Look up some foods that your are mostly likely to eat (from restaurants or from a supermarkets) and write down the nutriton facts. Keep track in a small notebook, even if you don't know the nutritional value, log it, that way you'll stay mindful of what you're eating. Don't eat if you're not hungry, and remember many…
  • I totally understand! Mother Nature is being a major tease here too! When I woke up this morning it was snowing, then it got sunny, but now it's cold and windy and threatening to snow again. I'm so ready for spring! I want to start running, but there's still too much snow out to hit the trails. Yarg!
  • Thanks for starting this thread! My NSV for today is noticing how much smaller my ankles are this morning. It was my yoga day so I got to look at my body from different angles and noticed how much smaller parts of me are getting. :)
  • Great Job! Changing your mindset is no small feat. Keep it up!
  • How about some tuna packets (not the cans) and crackers or bread to serve them on. Granola or protein bars are another good option.
  • I say go for it! I don't restrict myself from any foods, I just try to stay under the calorie limit.
  • Rutabagas! They are great roasted with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Also, I've started eating onions raw, before I could only eat them cooked. And mushrooms, they have to be cooked though.
  • I have the Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout and Your Shape. I love the Biggest Loser! I got it because I didn't like Your Shape. I play The Biggest Loser 6 days week. It gives good positive and corrective feedback during the workout. It includes a stretch cool down after every workout, that's something Your Shape doesn't…
  • I love Earth Grains Thin Buns. They're great for sandwichs, but not great for toast (they get too dry when toasted). The Earth Grains are moister than the Orowheat or Sara Lee thin buns. They're 100 cals per bun.
  • Yes. This past Sunday I went over by 900. I don't feel bad about going over, but it has made me think twice before going back for seconds, or having a late night snack I didn't really need. Also if I take a bite of someone else's food or "graze" at the breakroom table covered in sweets, I log those bites at 50 cals per…
  • If you have access to microwave, look for a silicone microwave steamer. They're flexible so they won't take up much space in your room when not in use. You can cook just about anything in them, including meats. You don't have to add any oil or liquids. And like someone suggested earlier, cook the meat the day you buy it…
  • That is wonderful! Great Job and keep it up! Hopefully I'll get over my fear of running and excercising in public soon. Right now I just work out in my living room, hopefully once the weather clears up I'll be brave enough to excercise outside.
  • When I first tried them, I thought the teexture was a little weird. They're a little chewy. However I used them in a soup (recipe below) and I noticed that in the leftovers, the texture improved and softened quite a bit. The soup was super delicious and a big hit with my coworkers. I found this recipe on…
  • Protein bars are a good option. If you have a microwave in the room or in the hotel lobby you could take some popcorn bags for an evening snack. Nuts and trail mix are good as well, just divide them in to individual portion bags before hand. If there's a grocery store near you hotel, stock up on some fruits and veggies.…
  • I have the Biggest Loser Ulitmate Workout and Your Shape. I prefer the Biggest Loser. I think it gives better feedback, whether its positive or corrective. I also think it has more variety to it's routines, everyday is different. I'm in week 9 of a 12 week challenge on the game. Just this weekend I bought a stability ball…
  • Try buying frozen veggies. Not sure what area of the country you are in, but look for farmer's markets. Where I live the growing season is short, but I look forward to the summer farmer's markets. Also trying going meatless once or twice a week. When you do buy meat, look for what's on sale and buy a little extra and…
  • Oh I am definitely goign to make a trip out to Maryland for that race. Sounds like a ton of fun and it's great motivator to start running! I guess I'll have to start one of those C25ks everyone's doing.
  • Just found this thread! What a great idea! Currently I think I'm safe from a zombie attack, I don't think zombies can survive the Wyoming winter, however with spring thaw upon us I better get started on my running endurance (which is currently Zero!).
  • I haven't really used the Wii, but I love my Xbox Kinect! I have The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout (TBLUW), Your Shape Fitness Evolved, plus the Kinect Sports and Adventures. They all provide a great workout! I like TBLUW better than Your Shape. The TBLUW provides better positive and corrective feedback. It also includes…
  • I just made one. Very Tasty! However next time I think I'll use cottage cheese in place of the yogurt for a more cheese cake like flavor. Mmmmm!
  • I get them too, but only in my right leg. Thank you for posting the question and thank you to those who gave advice!
  • This sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing!
  • Thank you for the great ideas!