brittanyd83 Member


  • This. And the loose/lose thing. Exactly.
  • Did not think of that. I really, really hope that's how it plays out!! I like the way you think! :)
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. And I understand the temporary assistance. Yes, I have been on welfare for some periods of time, when I was a single mom between jobs (still a single mom, but never between jobs anymore), or at a low-paying job on maternity leave ten years ago. That said, I agree that it should be just that:…
  • Lazy: Physically, yes. So sorry I don't always have the energy after getting kids up and ready, working all day, helping kids with homework, getting them dinner, arguing over homework, dinner, and dessert (or lack thereof), and wrestling them into the shower and off to bed. By myself, because I'm all they have. I am…
  • See, I can see maybe getting a temporary one, like six months while they work on themselves. However, I think if progress is not continuous, benefits should be cut off because they're not wanting to live life anyway, if they're throwing it away like that. Unless there's a hormonal/chemical/etc disorder behind the obesity,…
  • We have preventative measures AND treatment for the majority of obese people (not all; I recognize that). It's called healthy eating and moving around. I am obese due to these things, so yes, I can be direct on the subject. I'm obese because I put crap in my body, too much of said crap, and didn't get my butt out of the…
  • I'm going to echo everyone else here, check with your Dr before any exercise (I'd also ask him about simply walking, too, since the weather's getting nicer) and diet, diet, diet! And by diet, I mean making sure your diet is full of healthy foods and within your target calorie range, NOT to go on some crazy restrictive…
  • Whichever one is not planned in advance!! Usually dinner. Working on changing that.
  • I have a gym membership and zumba (separate studio) because I have a personal trainer who works me much harder and probably more thoroughly, since he knows the muscles and capabilities of the body way better than I do, than I'd work myself (just being honest), and a gym membership is required for that. Other than that, I…
  • In response to the quote, "All I can think is, And you married this man why?" That's my thought too. But oh well...