WeeMikeSilver Member


  • If you've got an allergy to dairy, then I'd highly recommend trying raw milk. Without going into too much detail here, a lot of people I know who have had problems with dairy, have tried raw milk and other raw dairy products and been fine. A lot of dairy allergies can be due to the lack of lactase in the body, and the…
  • Firstly, there isn't a weight you 'should' weigh, everyone is different, and everyone will weigh different too. Realise that being a certain weight isn't really what matters if you want to lift weights, it should be how you feel on a day to day basis. If you want to be heavier than average men your size, you probably…
  • I've always found raw full fat milk to be a great addition to any eating plan if you're looking to bulk. If you can find a supplier of raw milk then it's an easy way to get extra healthy calories, carbs and protein.
  • Didn't know you could track macros on Fitocracy?? ... I'm a hero and I don't see it anywhere on the website or android app?? ...... don't tell me, it's only available on the iphone?? :/
  • I didn't do the GOMAD routine, but I did add in about 2 pints of raw milk a day to my eating routine to help increase my calories throughout the day. I used to drink my protein shake with water, but added 1 pint of raw milk in instead, and then included half a pint of raw milk twice a day in either my breakfast or lunch or…
  • Snap, same here as there, come say hello! (^_^)