JenJackson31 Member


  • Amazing but heart wrenching story. You should be very proud of yourself, good job.
  • Thank U! Just been checking out Holland and Barratt too - they seem to have lots of that kind of stuff too. I'm not vegetarian but am not particuarly keen on meat or cheese so the chocolate protein bars are much more appealing. Thanks for replying!
  • As an ex-zumba instructor this is great to hear, well done you! I only stopped teaching as I was 24 weeks pregnant but I totally loved it and still support it as being a brilliant way to exercise, particularly for all ages and fitness levels. It doesn't matter if you have 2 left feet or no rhythm, the whole point is to get…
  • I am on day 3 of the 30 Day Shred and totally loving it. I thought I was pretty fit and would start on level 2 but after doing level 1 on the first day, my body was aching! I am a regular gym go-er so am really pleased that a 20 minutes work-out in the house can be so effective.