gourmetgal77 Member


  • Seriously... what? I know some people track it, as I have seen it on their journals. So, I was curious how many people do and how they dedicate it....
  • That was my basic thought too... but, was wondering what other people's take on it was....
  • Right there with you! With the amount of cleaning I do in a day -- I would be a size 2 instead of a size 12!
  • I would agree with you 100%... like others have said, I would count it as a bonus at best.
  • I never counted my cleaning as exercise -- but then I saw some one else tracking theirs - so I did a cleaning search under the exercise tab and saw that you can choose between light/moderate and heavy/vigorous. I was just curious what people track and how they count it. I typically track my WiiFit usage, any exercise…
  • I have read in various magazines, etc... that when you are talking about "processed foods" - to look at the ingredients, if there is stuff you can not 1)pronounce or 2)have no clue what it is; then that is a good indication to stay away from it. But, that is just what I have taken away from previous conversations on the…
  • I think even at my skinniest, I will always have some curves... My body is not built to be stick thin, I have had 2 kids and I have "birthing hips" as one older woman at one point told me. The smallest I have been in the recent past is a size 10 and everyone told me I looked great... would like to lose enough to get me…
  • One day last week I had a really big breakfast around 9 AM (using a little over 1/2 of my calories for the day, but w/ lots of protein and whole grains) and I was really worried that I had "ruined" the rest of the day. But, then when it came time for my lunch, I was not even hungry... I had a protein packed snack, earned…
  • LOL! I was that way as well before I tried cutting a lot of the processed foods and the carbs out of my diet. Since then, I am really not that hungry after dinner. I try to go by the no eating within 2 hours of going to bed rule as well...
  • Thanks all -- that is what I thought... To answer some of the questions posed. MFP has me set to consume 1200 calories a day before adding any exercise to my daily routine. This has me set to lose about 1.1 lbs a week, I would ideally like to be losing between 1.5 - 2 lbs a week, as long as I am doing it in a healthy…
  • For those of you who put the smoothie recipes... are they already save to MyFitnessPal so I can find the nutritional info? If so, what do I look under to do so? If not, can you post nutritional info here to make it easier for all of us? No sense reinventing the wheel, right?
  • Try to look at the positive -- at least you did an hour on the treadmill. It is definitely better than doing nothing at all! Could you go back later today to try to get into the weight room?
  • Thank you so much for posting this! I also am starting to try to get into "green smoothies" as I have lost my taste for red meat. I made one this AM that was very yummy.... the others I have tried in the past I didn't care for, but I will be sticking with this one as well as trying additional recipes I am seeing here...…
  • Will have to try - thanks!
  • Count me in -- could do with some more friends/accountability partners on myfitnesspal....
  • Thanks for the response -- I have tried do that, that is one thing I have allowed myself over the past couple weeks that I almost wonder if that is one reason I am having a harder time. Earlier in my weight loss journey, I was much more rigorous about not eating really any junk, but now that I have, I have a harder time…
  • I do 4C Diet Decaf Iced Tea (decaffinated and sweetened w/ Splenda) - I am not a water drinker either and I can always do my 8+ glasses of that a day instead....
  • I have had quite a few people I have talked about sign up after and are sticking with it. I have also found that there are more people out there using it that I didn't realize and now we have been able to become a support system for each other as well... It is amazing ow much more conscious you are of what goes in your…
  • I took the weekend off as I was away at a conference and the hotel wanted to charge me $12.95 a day for internet service. I didn't go all out crazy, but I didn't track things as closely as I do when I am home. I do not think there is a think wrong with indulging every once in a while, after all, you have been working hard.…
  • So happy for you! In life, you need to celebrate the little victories and REALLY celebrate the big ones.... :happy:
  • A couple thoughts for you.... 1) NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin (or reaching your goals) feels... 2) A little humor for you: Putting a pretty shirt over your muffin top does not make you a cupcake. :laugh: 3) If you really want a cupcake - have one, just know that in the end, you have to work it back off again. If…
  • I am in this same boat the last couple of days -- I have started doing the 30 minute Free Jog on my Wii Fit, but jog around my living room instead of in place while I watch TV. I am doing about 4 miles in the 30 minute time frame, and it is "earning" me about an extra 400-500 calories a day when you count the other Wii Fit…
  • What do you mean eat clean? I am fairly new to this site, and not sure what you mean....
  • I think what every one else said as far as "to each their own..." is very true. With that being said, I have always set my fitness goal to look good enough to be one of those girls that COULD wear a bikini or do Zumba in just a sports bra and shorts. Will I get my body to that point? Yes, I will.... Will I actually run…
  • So how about this for you -- yesterday once I entered everything I was about 500 calories short of my goal - I had a big workout that burned a lot of calories and I was bad and didn't each lunch. If you don' feel hungry and are still under your calorie daily goal, are you better off eating a little something because of the…
  • AMEN! Preach it sista'! :)
  • I know what you mean! Now that I am actually paying attention to what I am eating, it is no wonder I got where I am now! Who would have thought pizza is really THAT bad for you? My sister said it perfectly the other day when she had an "off" day and didn't hit her goals at all, her response "And to think I was eating this…
  • Schwan's LiveSmart Chili w/ a 1/4 cup light cheddar cheese 4C Light Decaf Iced Tea sweetened with Splenda