

  • Those who had weight loss surgery years ago, would more than likely have the large scar on their abdomen. Nowadays the surgeons perform it Laproscopically so there is only minimum scarring. I have 6 small scratch looking scars on my stomach. I elected to have the Sleeve surgery because there was no rerouting of the…
  • I have had the Gastric Sleeve Surgery as of March 11, 2013 and so far have had great successes.
  • I am right there with you, I too had done all the weight loss plans and researched the surgery as well as watching the you tube videos of botht he surgery itself and the people who had it. I had reached 453 pounds which was heavier than I was when I was 8 months pregnant with my twins. I made a decision that I needed help…
  • I had the sleeve surgery in March of this year, and I have not regretted one thing in that decision. I have struggled with weight all of my adult life, and I wish I had done this years ago. It is a lifestyle change, but it is also much easier to have this as a tool to the weight loss. I have been adjusting to my new way of…
  • I have heard the same thing. I never drank full sugar soda but I was hooked on the diet soda, then when I went to have surgery I was told I needed to come off of sodas. I have, and that was in March, now I don't even crave them anymore. In fact I have even come off of caffiene and that is something I never thought I would…
  • Hi! I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery in March of this year, March 11 to be exact. Since then i have lost 50 lbs. I am feeling much better and have so much more energy. I have really began to accept my new way of life. In the past I was never really for it for myself but always had friends that I knew that had the surgery. But…