

  • Definitely the hardest workout!! I puked the first time i did it!! And now at the 7th week it is my favorite workout!!! And I make it through like a champ:bigsmile:
  • Wow you look awesome!! Keep up the good work!!
  • My husband and I are doing P90X together and we are both seeing results. I did get a little discouraged at first, since he was dropping weight really fast, but we are now on week 7 and i have lost 9 pounds and he is at about 14 or 15. It is definitely the hardest workout i have ever done and i am not a fan of the yoga, but…
  • We are doing the P90X program. We both love it. I am seeing great results, this morning when i weighed myself i lost 2 pounds from last Monday!!!! Plus i am getting in great shape.
    in Hey Comment by jen92876 March 2009
  • Well my name is Jen and although this is my first day on this site, i have actually been working out for the last 6 weeks with my husband. We started a program and it is the most difficult but best workout i have ever done. I have lost 7 pounds since we started and my husband is up to about 15lbs, and we are both getting…
    in Hey Comment by jen92876 March 2009