formeonly Member


  • Not that I know of because muscle weights more than fat. Muscle good !
  • Macedonia, Ohio
  • I have learned that no matter how hard I try I always go over on the sugar tracker. Heck 2 pieces of fruit plus a yogurt puts you over!
  • Good job!!! I got out and rode 34.89 very hilly miles today. Wish I could have done it without the car that almost hit me, the dog that chased me, and the hill that kicked my backside. One good thing, I did not embarrass myself by having to walk :) Goal: riding the 50 mile loop (very hilly) of the sweetcorn challenge on…
  • I have to smile at the thought of you sitting there with your laptop balanced on your handle bars. I am currently planning a 30 mile round trip ride for the day. Where do you ride? I usually ride the towpath or the bike an hike trail. My son and I are planning on riding the sweetcorn challenge together at the end of the…
  • Congrats!! You have replaced wobbly fat with nice lean muscle! No weight loss because muscle weights more than fat. Inches lost because muscle takes up less room than fat. good job, keep it up!