blairkim Member


  • I would LOVE to have some friends to be accountable to. Please add me!!! I just started last week, exercise started yesterday.:wink:
  • Skipped doing the workout last night - just too tired when getting home after 10 p.m. However, got up at 5 a.m. and did the L1 workout and feel GREAT! I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow when I get up for day 2, but that okay.
  • Hey, how about thinking 1 day at a time for those of us that need to get the initial let's get started ....Mr. Negative! :frown: Short-term goals are best to start with - as we reach those goals we can then move on to the what-to-do afterwards goals. At least, that works for me...I tend to fall off the wagon after 6-months…
  • I can't wait to get started, I keep reading everyone's posts and need to get out of work so I can get going!!
  • I'm in - I've had the DVD for quite some time and haven't even sat down to watch it, let alone do the workout!! How sad. Today starts day 1...will be doing this workout when I'm done with work at 10:00 p.m.! Yikes....:yawn: