Shred in Feb



  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    So I started yesterday so I could have my last day be 2/29. This was suggested by another poster. Nice and sore this morning but on track so far. We'll see how this evening goes. :)
  • blairkim
    blairkim Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in - I've had the DVD for quite some time and haven't even sat down to watch it, let alone do the workout!! How sad. Today starts day 1...will be doing this workout when I'm done with work at 10:00 p.m.! Yikes....:yawn:
  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm in.... For real this time... EVERYDAY!!! Lol... I was on day 4 last week and haven't done it since Thursday. I've started it a couple times and this last time is the farthest I've gotten. Feel free to add me just message me so I know why. Good luck everyone!!!!!
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in! I just started the DVD. I did day 1 and actually got charlie horses in my quads for 2 days so had to take a break for those 2 days. Did it again today for the second time and it seemed a tad easier so hopefully I'm broken in!

    Same here.. I did it on Saturday and whole Sunday it was kinda carryin a sore body :) Did it yesterday n felt little easier and did it today...felt like I was sweating more than 2 days ....

    I am IN and with Day 4 tomorrow...'

    Btw.. I just wanted to ask if anyone is feeling very hungry after an hour of doing it ?? Today I felt very thirsty and gulped down 16.7oz bottle of water ,,,,bottoms up :) and then had almost another half liter slowly.... Later I felt very hungry for lunch .... wondering if its normal ..Please share if u have any similar experience.


    I started last night and was ravenous about 45min after finishing!
  • blairkim
    blairkim Posts: 5 Member
    I can't wait to get started, I keep reading everyone's posts and need to get out of work so I can get going!!
  • blairkim
    blairkim Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah count me in....i sound reluctant because the 3 times previous I started I last 3 days then there is always a reason why I miss a day and then I stop it.....please kick my *kitten* if i slack off!

    That's why one shouldn't do gimmicky plans that have cute marketing terms in them...30, 60, 90... 10 minute this, that. It's marketing, not fitness and learning. It's also not realistic and really sets people up for emotional failure. What about after the 30 days? Then what? Do it again? Well that's 60 days! And if you could do it for only 30 days, you probably would've already did it, right!? I simply detest and hate the fitness industry in general. Stick around.

    In any event. Time frames are bogus. Think 1 year, 2 years. The rest of your life. Not quick time frames. Anyone can lose weight doing the equivalent of what I used to do in college football practice....And who wants to do that 5 times a week? I don't. And if you're going to workout like an athlete your eating has to be that much more on point, and the smart never run a big deficit while doing strenuous work.

    Hey, how about thinking 1 day at a time for those of us that need to get the initial let's get started ....Mr. Negative! :frown: Short-term goals are best to start with - as we reach those goals we can then move on to the what-to-do afterwards goals. At least, that works for me...I tend to fall off the wagon after 6-months to a year so changing routines every 30-days just might be the ticket for me.
  • beaner11988
    beaner11988 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I am starting it today!! My height is 5'0", weight is 141.4lbs, neck 13", waist 33.75", and hips 39.5". Will weigh-in once a week, but no measurements until March 1st!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Day 1 down! It felt good! I just finished 30 days, so today wasn't as hard as the first time I did it! I was disappointed though because I only burned 174 calories! More fit this time around!
  • I am glad I saw this forum...I just started the 30ds today!
  • allynady
    allynady Posts: 59 Member
    Started yesterday, hoping I can stay with it for more than 5 days(my max):)
  • ancook02
    ancook02 Posts: 44 Member
    About to do L1D1 now.... Slightly scared! Lol.
  • Ladeda1
    Ladeda1 Posts: 68 Member
    I started the Shred today. I started once last year, but I don't think I made it past week 1 before I gave up.
    This time I am definitely more motivated and am anxious to hear how everyone is doing.
  • ancook02
    ancook02 Posts: 44 Member
    Whew...made it through L1D1... now.. does anyone know how to track this in MFP? I don't have a HRM *sad face*
  • Just finished day one level one.....good work out for sure!!!
  • ancook02
    ancook02 Posts: 44 Member
    Just finished day one level one.....good work out for sure!!!

    Congrats! I did too. And ohhhh am I already sore. I'm glad my husband isn't home right now to laugh. Lol.
  • I'm in. I've done it for a few times lbut only got to 25 days before I quit. I hope to stick with it all month long. I do zumba classes twice a week and walk 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. I don't want to lose weight but would love to lose some inches around the waist, gain some muscle and tone up. Off to do day 1 level 1.
  • Completed level 1 day 3 tonight. So did not want to do this tonight. It was late when I got home, kids still had to do homework, groceries and dry cleaning had to be put away and I had not eaten dinner yet. But I made myself go downstairs and the time flew by and then I even got on the elliptical for 20 minutes. Very pleased with myself for pushing myself to complete day 3.
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Well I'm sore this morning! :smile: It was an effort to get out of bed. Hopefully I will loosen up as the day goes by. Never the less I will do it again tonight!
  • blairkim
    blairkim Posts: 5 Member
    I can't wait to get started, I keep reading everyone's posts and need to get out of work so I can get going!!

    Skipped doing the workout last night - just too tired when getting home after 10 p.m. However, got up at 5 a.m. and did the L1 workout and feel GREAT! I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow when I get up for day 2, but that okay.
  • dewaynechapman
    dewaynechapman Posts: 14 Member
    My wife and I started last night and oh my do I feel it this morning. My arms and legs are definitely feeling it. Looking forward to losing some inches and taking it one day at a time. Great workout!