

  • Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm getting excited about starting :) Another question: what would be a decent warmup for this type of program? I used to warm up by doing some core and stablizing excersizes but is that good enough for this program?
  • I did a, I guess you could say trial run of the program yesterday. Used lighter weights than recommended just to make sure my form and technique are on point. But getting a PT for a couple sessions wouldn't hurt. Especially since I haven't lifted heavy in a longggg time. I'll check it out and see if the price is right.…
  • My name is Dayna. Back when I first used mfp for mobile I don't think there was a community to chat with. This is amazing. My first post so I'll introduce myself. I started at 206 pounds about 4 years ago. Using this app I lost 46 pounds. This year I gained back 27 and gotta get it off. Feel free to add me!
  • lol! I agree one hundered percent. Lift heavy, look sexy. Period.