keep in mind, when you're losing weight by working out, you'll gain a lot of muscle mass which weighs more than fat so you'll "gain" more weight on the scale. make sure you eat 3 healthy meals a day.. & then something small, like 100 calories? in between those meals. This keeps your body in "fat burning mode" and out of…
a lot of Avicii. Youtube "avicii" and you'll see what i mean.
you build up a lot of muscle from running. especially since you work out your whole body by running. after running for a while, you should just look in the mirror for results. i mean, if you dont necessarily NEED to be a certain weight, you should just be happy with how you look! sorry, if this isnt the reply you're…
well, most people loose weight first in their butt and their boobs. not too sure why haha.
Well, I've tried a few different pills & i've never gotten the results i've wanted. My first choice was green tea pills, but i didn't lose weight very easily at all! then, i switched to drinking green tea and i lost SO much weight doing that! although i was drinking about 5-6 cups a day.. if you dont already know, drinking…