

  • HEHE I miss read it! Thought you wanting to do a half marathon this year... In that case, enter a couple of 5k's through out the year to maintain that interest etc. When you decide to start to train for a Half, steady increase of miles... If you want to focus on endurance then build up those miles and add some core and…
  • Hi there, First of all Well done. I am a runner have been for the last 6 years (20 Half Marathons and 1 Marathon done with another Marathon in April) Yes you have some time before your half, but for now work on your endurance. Build up gradually approx 10% per week to remain injury free. Try to reach to 6 miles. When you…
  • Thanks guys. I have a Garmin HRM so will wear it next time, and see what I burn. Didnt think about that. Thank you x
  • Hi there I've ran 10 half marathons and a couple of marathons and found Runners World is great for plans, however I always alow time for injury as when you are ramping up the mileage you are bound to get injured at some point. Also use these plans as a guide, and dont be put off if you miss a few training runs due to…
  • Hi there First of all Hydration is the key to muscle repair. Also start to increase your protein intake, this will also aid muscle repair after the workout. Also stretches are good before (While still aching) and afterwards. If you do an intensive work out, i.e for over 60 mins i.e long run. drink an energy drink which is…