

  • Why not try a veggie soup? one of the puree ones like campbell's garnuey butternut squash. You can put on weight by eating too much fruit. I like to put spinach in my chicken noodle soup, it wilts down to nothing. or you can take greens (its a powder you had to water and drink, lots of people who can't stomach raw veggies…
  • Good old Prince George, British Columbia
  • I am a firm believer that mental/spiritual health is just as important as physical health. Has anyone looked into their dosha types and ate healthy according to it? I am just curious if it does truly benefit you as a whole. I was reading up on it last night, and my dosha type fits me to a tea but I never workout the way…
  • I had some pretty severe headaches while I was pregnant and they would last for days and go then come back every couple of weeks. I went to emergency and they gave me morfine and sent me on my way, saying it was just a very bad headache. When I told my midwife she did some blood work and found out an iron enzyme was too…
    in Headaches Comment by kris23 January 2008
  • I am from British Columbia, good to hear there are some canadians on this site
    in Canada Comment by kris23 January 2008
  • I am a caffine junky (just coffee usually). I take green tea extract, CLA, calcium with magnesium and citramax. I have good weightloss with them and no side effects. I have found my energy to sky rocket while I am on them, and I don't have energy dives ever. Just perfectly energized all day, even after exercising (30min…
    in green tea Comment by kris23 January 2008
  • I have the yoga booty ballett and didn't care too much for it. the yoga wasn't very relaxing and my heart rate didn't get very high. If you can find it ripped 1000 by jari love is awesome. it gets you going and you can loose up to 1000 calories each time. Its cheap to buy $16 canadian and you only need a set of 5lbs…