mallins Member


  • Hi, I know how you feel. I went on a cruise just before xmas for 3 weeks only to find I'd put on 10lb in 3 weeks! Then it was xmas not too bad only put on another 3lb. but of course that meant I had another 13lb to loose so I have come back to myfitness to try to get the weight off. In the meantime I had my annual check…
  • Hi everyone Thanks for all your advice. It's most appreciated. I have been trying to follow the 5.2 diet but unfortunately I'm finding it slow going. The problem is not the 500 cal days but the other 5 days!!! I just want to stuff my face on the other days so I'm into the old yo yo mode at the moment. I think I may need to…
  • Hi I want to try your tortillas they look fab. What kind of flour do you use?
  • Wow! You look absolutely fantastic!! Well done:happy:
  • What do you eat on the 500 cal days? He says the rest of the time you can eat anything within reason but I.m a bit stuck as to what to eat on the fasting days.
  • Hi I'm in need of some supportive friends. I,m just back here after a long break! Was doing quite well up until October last year. I had lost 3st 5lb but alas I've put a stone of this back on ugh! Need to get back into it. I've just been off to the gym today so at least that's something! Cheers Mallins