NancyL1221 Member


  • My friend you have a sugar addiction. Yes all of those processed carbs turn into sugar in your blood stream. Plus they are filled with chemicals that keep you hungry and make you want to eat more and more. The solution is to cut out the junk and eat REAL food. Not something that was made in a factory. Food is grown in the…
  • Diets don't work. Life style changes work. You need to find something that you can incorporate into your life that will allow you to include the foods you love, but allow you to eat healthier FOR LIFE. Diets are short term and a good idea to lose weight, but could you really only subsist on milk and veggies for the rest of…
  • You need to take 3-5 days and double your calories (seriously!!). After a couple of days just cut back 500 calories or so. If you are only eating 1200-1500 calories, your metabolism is not working properly. There are many websites that will give you an approximate amount of calories you need to maintain your weight. Use…
  • I'm 5'7" but I used to be 5'8"!!!!! I have a very muscular build - I am currently wearing a size 8 at 192 lbs. MY goal is to be 175 - I was at that weight January 2009 and I looked and felt great. An exercising injury and thyroid issues caused a 25 lb regain. Everything is repaired and thyroid is working properly and I'm…
  • You should also see if the nutritionist can test your metabolism too. I am an avid exerciser and I wasn't losing weight. This spin-off wellness center from a major hospital where I live had the equipment for it. The cost was $55.00 for the test but I found out I wasn't eating enough to support my exercising so my…