A New Diet Idea?

So due to personal problems I've been off the wagon for several months now. I really want to recommit to my diet and exercise program.

I've been trying to find a diet that would be suitable for my taste that will allow me to eat things I like but has certain guidelines to it. I think I work best under guidelines and rules. It's easier for me to keep track of things.

Anyway, I've been reading about a diet done by Miley Cyrus. And while I'm not looking to weigh as little as she does I really like the idea of a milk and vegetable diet. I've heard that eating a lot of fruit can sometimes make weight loss more challenging because of the sugar.
Anyway, I'm wondering if this would be a healthy diet. I'm not strictly vegetarian but I can only eat meat a couple times a week or else it makes me ill. So, I like chicken and fish/shrimp on occasion. Apparently, Miley Cyrus still eats meat but only a few times a week. And dairy is by far my favourite food group. As for the vegetables, I definitely need way more of those in my diet. And although I used to eat an insane amount of carbs I've almost completely eliminated my craving for bread, bagels, pasta etc. I still want to eat these things but in far smaller quantities.
Anyway, what I'm saying is I'm not planning on completely eliminating any foods from my diet completely but I would want to make milk and vegetables my main staple and allow myself to eat my junk food, carbs etc only a few times a week.
This diet would also include exercise several times a week as well.

Do any of you have any opinions on this idea? I want to reach my weight loss goal but I don't want to cause any harm to my body in the process.
Thank you!


  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I've done elimination diets, but it was to help diagnose some digestive issues that I was having.

    Just track what you eat and eat everything in moderation. I eat lots of fruit, vegetables and lean meats-- I avoid simple carbs because of how my digestive system doesn't seem to like them and dairy because, well, if it's not ice cream, I don't really want it.

    And really, Miley Cyrus is NOT someone you should look to for diet advice. Or any other advice for that matter. Talk to a nutritionist.
  • anunknownmouse
    A nutritionist means absolutely nothing, they could be anyone. A dietitian would be the more legitimate person to speak to. However, eating fruits, vegetables, and dairy is not a bad idea. Just make sure you're getting enough fat and protein in your diet as well. Yogurts, cheese, soy, beans, etc. You've got a lot of options, just be sensible.
  • LesIsMoreXX
    LesIsMoreXX Posts: 169
    A nutritionist means absolutely nothing, they could be anyone. A dietitian would be the more legitimate person to speak to. However, eating fruits, vegetables, and dairy is not a bad idea. Just make sure you're getting enough fat and protein in your diet as well. Yogurts, cheese, soy, beans, etc. You've got a lot of options, just be sensible.

    Don't worry I would never turn down yogurt or cheese. Nom nom nom. :D
  • NancyL1221
    NancyL1221 Posts: 5 Member
    Diets don't work. Life style changes work. You need to find something that you can incorporate into your life that will allow you to include the foods you love, but allow you to eat healthier FOR LIFE.

    Diets are short term and a good idea to lose weight, but could you really only subsist on milk and veggies for the rest of your life? Once you return to your normal eating habits, the weight comes back on. Developing good habits from the start is a much better idea:

    - Keep a log of your foods
    - Weigh and measure EVERYTHING
    - Exercise regularly
    - Keep to the outer edge of the supermarket
    - Choose whole foods whenever possible
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Miley Cyrus!?
  • LesIsMoreXX
    LesIsMoreXX Posts: 169
    Okay thanks for all the opinions.
    I just want to make it clear though that I'm not trying to turn into a hollywood star. I only used the name as a reference from where I got the idea from but in hindsight I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it because people are just going to automatically dismiss the idea because of it.
    I suppose overall the only thing that would severely change in my diet is consuming more vegetables. Basically, what I was asking is if it's not a good idea to cut out more fruit [ which I don't eat much of to begin with ] and get most of my protein from milk since I have a digestive disorder that makes it difficult for me to eat meat.
    And by "diet" I don't mean something drastic that will only last a couple of weeks. I've tried and failed at that and I realize that this is not a method that is going to work for me. I've spent years slowly incorporating healthy eating habits. I don't plan on completely cutting out fatty foods. Just eating less and replacing some with vegetables/other healthy options.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Try almound milk mixed with a whey protein + banana/ice.

    If you can handle whey
  • LesIsMoreXX
    LesIsMoreXX Posts: 169
    That sounds good. I don't mind whey :)
  • oharabears
    oharabears Posts: 85
    I'm not a person who jumps on the latest diet book bandwagon, but I really liked Self Magazine's "Drop 10 Diet". The focus is on eating mostly real, unprocessed foods with lots of nutritional value--lots of veggies, yogurt, good fats, lean protein. And occasional treats. There is an exercise "plan"--more like suggestions, included. I downloaded the book on my Kindle, but I think you could get the gist of it by going on their website or picking up their April issue. Probably one of the most "common sense" plans I've seen lately.