

  • I took my measurements this morning and only a slight increase around my stomach (straight across my belly button) but no other changes. As I said yesterday I expected this due to bloating and probably a bit of water retention. My workouts next week increase in intensity and length so I'm looking forward to ditching that…
  • No Sandra! Don't do it! Even if your measurements don't change tomorrow, it won't be the end of the world. It's only been one week since we took this challenge so you can't expect miracles in a week. Give it another week or two at least to start seeing the results in your measurements...but turning to the scale is not the…
  • Sadly I don't think I'm going to see a measurement loss this week :( I know I'm retaining water...1. because I am upping my calories and 2. because of monthly "fluctuations" that usually cause my body to hold onto excess water. Don't worry, I'll still post even if my measurements go up, but I'm also prepared for a slight…
  • I am also a Fitbit lover! I have had mine for a few weeks now and I use it religiously. I realized really quick that I was not moving as much as I thought I was before I had the Fitbit. I find the steps counter, distance tracker, and stairs counter all to be really accurate. It does NOT accurately count calories when you…
    in Fitbit Comment by vancy31 May 2012
  • Alright, this isn't particularly easy to do but here are my starting measurements... Weight: 164 Neck: 13.25 Left Arm: 12.5 Right Arm: 12.5 Chest: 30.75 Waist: 28.25 Stomach: 31.25 Hips: 41 Left Thigh: 24.5 Right Thigh: 24.75 Body fat: 25% My goal is to be 155 by June 20, so I may extend the challenge for myself past June…
  • Count me in, too! I have needed a really good reason to stop checking the scale more often than I should and this is the motivation I need!