No Scale Challenge (open group)



  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    Okay stupid question, people are posting for their chest. Is that the bust? Like the fullest part or are people measuring somewhere else?
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    Here are my measurements.
    Neck 14.25"
    Chest (bust) 43"
    Waist 34"
    Belly 39" (especially since I at a ton of pizza for lunch...)
    Hips 44.5"

    Body fat % according to my scale (this morning, but not again until the end) 33.3%
    Body fat % according to website 36.8%
  • I am in my scales have made me miserable at times even though my body looks lots better. Stupid things.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    How is everyone doing with their cardio and strength training? Remember that strength training is good especially for women - it keeps us toned while we lose weight. I did 30 mins on the elliptical and then 35 mins of weights (both machines and free weights).
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Pretty well, I had to cut a couple of workouts short this week because I didn't plan enough time, but I made up for them on the weekend. My hamstrings are pretty sore right now from deadlifting.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I know a few of you have given in to the temptation of the scale... it is ok. Just don't step on it from here on out. If you have to, remove the scale from your house. Mine is hidden, but in the past, I did remove it from my house (I put it at my dad's house, so I wouldn't be tempted to step on it). There is also a scale at my gym that I walk by everyday, but I am ignoring my temptation to step on it. Come on...we can do this!!!!
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Weight: 152.5
    Neck: 12.5
    Left Arm: 11.5
    Right Arm: 11.5
    Chest: 35
    Under chest: 31
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 39
    Left Thigh: 21.5
    Right Thigh: 22
    Body fat: 33.8

    sorry I'm late :o(
  • sakinah1977
    sakinah1977 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone, I love the idea of putting the scale away, I'm really going to try hard to do this

    lft arm 14"
    rt arm 14"
    bust 42"
    under bust 35"
    hips 47"
    waist 36"
    thigh 29" both
    neck 14.5"
    As of this morning my weight is 189.4
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Don't forget Friday (in 2 days) is re-check of measurements and body fat %. I know alot of scales have the body fat, but since we put the scales away...use the website I posted on the first page of this forum. As of this morning, I took a quick peek at my measurements (just my waist), it says I have lost 0.5 inches - we will see on Friday. Have a great day!!!
  • vancy31
    vancy31 Posts: 6
    Sadly I don't think I'm going to see a measurement loss this week :( I know I'm retaining water...1. because I am upping my calories and 2. because of monthly "fluctuations" that usually cause my body to hold onto excess water. Don't worry, I'll still post even if my measurements go up, but I'm also prepared for a slight increase across the tummy so I won't get discouraged.
  • I am so close to giving in to the scale. Grrh. I have been wobbly all over for the last two days. One. I am due on. Two. I had a hard workout and my body has protected itself just as explained yesterday on why the scale moves up when you start a new workout. Thanks for posting this it explained so much.
    Still the wibbliness of belly and thighs is unnerving me. Measuring tomorrow but not expecting any improvement. That scale is soooo tempting. Someone tell me not to. Also have a stiff neck, so cannot exercise making me feel even more flabby.
  • vancy31
    vancy31 Posts: 6
    No Sandra! Don't do it! Even if your measurements don't change tomorrow, it won't be the end of the world. It's only been one week since we took this challenge so you can't expect miracles in a week. Give it another week or two at least to start seeing the results in your measurements...but turning to the scale is not the answer.

    Stay strong :)
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Although its the 17th my last weight in was the 13th may I still join please?
    I can post my measurements tonight when I get home.
  • I have done some tidying instead but now my neck is worse again. I know that a 20 min run would make feel just so much better. Patience is not my strong side. My changes are bound to be slow anyway as I am sticking to 1650kcal a day. I need to stick to this. Last year I lost fast and regained faster. My first yoyo ever and it made me feel terrible. Slowly does it this time.
    Thank you so much for your support!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    No Scale Challenge: Remember tomorrow is re-check of our measurements and body fat % - you can log them in the forum if you want or just post any changes if you like. Whatever you feel comfortable with - I will re-post my measurements. Good luck everyone and I hope to see alot of inches lost :)
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Although its the 17th my last weight in was the 13th may I still join please?
    I can post my measurements tonight when I get home.

    Yes, you are more than welcome to join - this is an open group to anyone. Feel free to post your measurements and body fat % if you feel comfortable. Welcome aboard. The scale is put away until June 11.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am so close to giving in to the scale. Grrh. I have been wobbly all over for the last two days. One. I am due on. Two. I had a hard workout and my body has protected itself just as explained yesterday on why the scale moves up when you start a new workout. Thanks for posting this it explained so much.
    Still the wibbliness of belly and thighs is unnerving me. Measuring tomorrow but not expecting any improvement. That scale is soooo tempting. Someone tell me not to. Also have a stiff neck, so cannot exercise making me feel even more flabby.

    I know how hard it is to resist the scale. I texted my boyfriend yesterday for him to remind me to stay away from the scale. I walk right past a scale everyday at the gym - and let me tell is very tempting to jump on it, but I resisted. This is willpower and determination. It isn't always easy, but you will feel so accomplished when you complete it. You might not see a drop in inches - it won't happy overnight especially if you are starting a new workout. I am sure by the end of the month you will see a drop. Just stay focused - you can do this :)
  • I did it. No scale for a week and felt much happier and less moody for it. I measured this morning. Here goes neck 31, waist 71 down from 72, bum 104 down from 105. BF 29.1.
    I am glad I waited until today. Last bf showed 24 something which I knew was wrong. Who knows what I typed in last time. 29.1 is about right and down from what my scale said a week ago, so i am happy. Unfortunately I am due on and have three children with a temperature, dopey eyes etc. even better I have it too now. Aching everywhere. But one day at a time. I am in this for life and life does not stop.
    Hopefully the next week will be easier to stay away from scales and tape measures.
    Good luck to everyone and keep it up!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    TOM is due in 2 days which I think is making a huge difference in my measurements too.

    Chest: 38

    Waist: 35

    Hips: 39

    Thigh: 21

    Arms: 12.5

    Neck: 13

    Body fat %: 37.1

    I only lost .5 in in my neck which dropped my body fat % - I had up until today lost 0.5 inches in my waist which is why I think TOM is majorly affecting my measurements. We will see what happens next week when he disappears again. Trying to keep my head up, but it is aggrivating.
  • vancy31
    vancy31 Posts: 6
    I took my measurements this morning and only a slight increase around my stomach (straight across my belly button) but no other changes. As I said yesterday I expected this due to bloating and probably a bit of water retention. My workouts next week increase in intensity and length so I'm looking forward to ditching that .5" across my belly plus some! Hope everyone else is doing well :)