beachmommy87 Member


  • How's everyone doing??? I have managed to work out the last 3 days in a row...taking a rest day today. Drinking lots of water & have changed my diet a little...hopefully this will be the boost I need to lose those last stubborn 9 lbs!!!! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • I'm in too!!!! I have been somewhat of a slacker since I ran my 1st half-marathon in Feb...(2:19:49...not bad for a 1st timer!!) Looking to get back into tip-top shape!!! CW: 131 lbs GW: 120 lbs I've lost about 15 lbs since August...mostly from running. Have begun to lift some weights so that I can tone up certain areas!!
  • I am TOTALLY curious to know the answer to this as well....because the EXACT same thing happens to me when I walk!!! I run 4 miles every morning & it never happens after I run....only when I walk....hmmmmmm??? Can't wait to hear the answer to this!! -M :)
  • I haven't had a Diet Coke (or Diet Dr. vice) in 7 months & 3 wks!!! I quit cold turkey on Jan 1st, 2010. It was HARD...I would drink 4-5 a day. I woke up & would immediately go to fridge & grab a Diet Dr Pepper with my breakfast. Now, looking back....the thought disgusts me!!! GROSS!!! I'm all about H2O & Iced…