SlvrFlame Member


  • Youtube has a LOT of fitness videos up. You could do a search for something that interests you fitness-wise and go from there, maybe.
  • When it truly sunk in for me was when I started in Nutrisystem back in 2011, I think it was. I knew I was big and all that but it never truly sunk in until I weighted in the first morning when I started the program. I was at 300 lbs exactly and I started crying. Knowing, and really KNOWING, seemed to be two different…
  • No pictures to post here at work, but usually there's at least one cat curled up on the bed somewhere (or on me) and a dachshund either in his own bed by mine or curled up against me in mine. I can't agree that cats are not cuddly/snuggly. All the ones we've had sure have been and demand the attention they feel is…
  • I was at 300lbs when I started NS. Some of the foods were ok for a while (I really liked the lunch bars) but after a while I started getting tired of the same things. I couldn't stomach certain ones so I OD'ed on the ones I did like. While I had some success on it (30-35 lbs) I still cancelled not too long ago. I can put…
  • I actually got teary-eyed reading this. You did AMAZING and I bet your little girl is very proud of you. :smile:
  • I have two. An eternity symbol with a diamond in/around the middle that I got with two friends (eternal friendship) on my left breast. On my right outer leg is a stone-work moon with gems embedded and a few ivy leaves/vines. The moon doesn't mean anything in particular. I'm fascinated by the moon and the artist designed…
  • I have it for my phone, too, and love it. I don't run, though. I use it for walking on the treadmill and it's enough to keep me entertained during a half hour walk so I don't get bored. Having the transmissions play between Here Come the Mummies makes the time fly by!
  • They really are good. I mostly buy the ice creams, personally (cones and truffle ice cream bars).
  • Not sure if someone else said it, but the weapons could be made from foam and PVC pipes! That way there's still weapons involved and no serious injuries can come to the people playing zombies.
  • I use MiO and club soda a lot to get my own water down. I've found if I add a bit of the tangerine orange MiO to club soda it tastes like orange soda. :) I don't use Crystal Light a lot but I also have cold brew tea sitting on my desk at work for when I want something with flavor (Twinings Green tea & mint is yummy).
  • Even better! Mine's not that fancy but it does have a cord for me to plug in my iPod or iPhone. :)
  • You're doing some kind of moving so you're doing just fine, in my opinion. :) It's better than doing nothing and you're doing better than me! I've just re-started on the treadmill and I can manage a half-hour before I need to stop.
  • I work in a shipping office and I've done this numerous times. Luckily I've always caught myself! So far, at least. I have to agree with the double checking of EVERYTHING. Too many times I've read e-mails from supervisors, higher ups, etc that have all kinds of spelling errors and run-on sentences from hell.
  • At least I'm not the only one who has to suffer dealing with smelly truck drivers. That is one of the main reasons I dread the humid, hot Southern summers.
  • I'll have to go back and read through the rest of the posts - I love hearing other people's experiences! One of my own experiences happened when I was maybe 11-13. My sister and I were out in the backyard trying to see if we could watch a meteor shower and I ended up laying down on the hill, though propped up on my elbows.…