

  • I am trying to give up wine - I don't think it's going to last.... probably will stick with 6 oz/day or less or just on the weekends. I'm trying to get pregnant too, so I don't want to totally give up wine before I have to... :wink: I took on getting my dog certified as a therapy dog, and my goal is to have that complete…
  • svillalo - I think trying to give up the wine will be the hardest. I'm trying to give it up for Lent, but I'm also taking on getting my Golden certified to be a therapy dog. I really do like my wine.... sigh... I don't know if I will make it til April 12th. We're also trying to get pregnant, so I would like my weight to be…
  • Just wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I used to be an avid soccer player, and never worried about weight, but somehow I find myself almost 20 pounds overweight - a sedentary job, marriage, a love of good wine.... well I'm sure you get the picture. I really hope that this site will help me to achieve the…