markei1 Member


  • Lost another 2lbs this week, for a total loss of 11lbs. I am shocked because it's only been 1 full month that I've been with MFP. Start Weight: 249.5 Current: 238.5
  • I'm not sure if they will give you a lunch portion, but one thing that usually works for me is if you can ask them to box up half of it for you before they even bring it to you. Or ask for a box as soon as they bring it, and you can take half of it home right up front. Your family may laugh or make comments (mine sometimes…
  • For starters, I would suggest the Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone too. She has a DVD titled the 5-Day Slim Down which is really good because you can tailor your workouts and not do the same thing two days in a row. Good luck with your weight loss journey and congrats on the baby.
  • I would have to suggest the Walk Away the Pounds DVDs also. They are by Leslie Sansone. She has various DVDs. You may want to find one with more than one workout on it. For example, she has a deluxe edition that consists of 2 dvds with 3 workouts on it: 1-mile, 2-mile, 3-mile. Each workout tells you when you've completed a…
  • It can definitely be done, and this site makes it easier to do it. Check out the success stories forum. I was amazed. Welcome.
  • I've lost 9lbs thus far, this is a really good idea. I weigh-in on wednesdays, so I'll give an update each week. thanks for doing this.
  • Congrats on your loss this week and putting in the hard work for it to pay off. I just did a new DVD yesterday, 5 Day Slim Down with Leslie Sansone and it was awesome. There are 5 different workouts (each 1 mile), and my family and I did 2 of the sessions including the warm-up and cool down and it was awesome. It was…
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey. Having supportive friends that are doing the same thing is very encouraging because you know that there aren't any negative nellies hanging out.
  • Welcome to My Fitness Pal. You will love this.
    in HI ALL Comment by markei1 March 2009
  • Welcome. This site is so encouraging, and it will definitely have you going in the right direction.
    in Hi all Comment by markei1 March 2009
  • Welcome. You are definitely in the right place to find new, positive, friends.
  • Welcome, you'll love it. I've only been actively logging this week. It's great. You can do it!
  • Congrats! You look amazing (not that you didn't before). You are truly an inspiration to me and others to know that it can be done with hard work and dedication. I'm not looking for a quick fix this time around. I just signed up this month, and this site is amazing.
  • welcome. i'm a newbie too, but you will find much support on here.
  • Thank you so much for the welcome and well wishes. I do in fact love this site. It is truly motivating to see that we are all striving to be better to ourselves. I love your tag. That is one of my favorite scriptures.
  • Hello all, I was referred here by my first cousin. We are both striving towards a healthier lifestyle by incorporating more activity and making better food choices. We are both mothers to toddlers and wish to have another sometime next year. So, we have to get on the right track before we increase our households. At this…