

  • 1. . evangelists 2. people who think that acting like an emotionless robot is "normal" 3. people who are unsupportive of your weight loss goals and say things like "you don't need to lose weight" 4. boys who don't care about anything or anyone 5. people who let marijuana use be a priority in their life 6. people my age (in…
  • I want to lose 15lbs by March 19th, but agh I just hate the scale >.< In the gym I weighed around 157 today...
  • I'm 5'3" and by March 19th I want to be down to about 140 (right now I'm about 155) D: As for my long term goal it'd be AMAZING if I could get down to between 107lbs and 120lbs! We can do this! So far, the MyFitnessPal app has been pretty helpful :D