Pet Peeves!



  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    Why do you have to always speed and cut ahead of me when I am trying to join the freeway?
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member

    -People who think starving themselves is a good idea

    ^^THIS! We're here to be healthy, but some people don't get it.

    Another peeve of mine since I hit maintenance:
    People who congratulate me on losing weight when I'm wanting to stay the same. It's like they want me to keep going til I'm a skeleton.
    Also, people who say I'm on a "diet" and lecture me about it. I'm not on a diet; I'm living a healthier lifestyle. Not being obese does not mean I can't care about my health. (<-Triple negative!) :wink:
  • KemaVA
    KemaVA Posts: 81 Member
    - People who spit in public. It is the most disgusting thing and completely rude to everyone around you. I have even seen people spit on the train floor on my commute. I honestly thought I would vomit.

    Most of my pet peeves have to do with mouth sounds.
    - hate the public spitting as well
    - gum popping
    - hearing someone CHEW WITH THEIR MOUTH OPEN.... UGHHHHH!
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    Pet Peeves - MFP related:
    -Spelling lose - loose
    -People who are frustrated when they don't "loose" 10lbs in one month
    -People who hand out bad advice and pass it off as absolute
    -People who add you as a friend then never say one word to you
    -People who think starving themselves is a good idea
    -People who ask the same questions in the forums, without realizing there is a "search" button

    Ahh. Feels nice to vent. Thanks. :smile:

    Oh, LOOSE VS LOSE!!!! That makes me sigh every time. Another one is the word "irregardless". ((shudder))
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Pet Peeves - MFP related:
    -Spelling lose - loose
    -People who are frustrated when they don't "loose" 10lbs in one month
    -People who hand out bad advice and pass it off as absolute
    -People who add you as a friend then never say one word to you
    -People who think starving themselves is a good idea
    -People who ask the same questions in the forums, without realizing there is a "search" button

    Ahh. Feels nice to vent. Thanks. :smile:

    Yes! All of the above!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle blocking the way. Sheesh, it's not that hard to pull it to the side!
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    Drivers in general are my pet peeve. I have the worst road rage! When I'm driving, you're always in my way! I'm always right and you're always wrong!!! Learn how to drive!

    :laugh: Exactly that!

    If you're going faster than me you're a maniac and if you're slower than me you're an idiot. My speed is always the exact perfect speed :blushing: I'm not ridiculous at all [sarcastic font] LOL
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Drivers in general are my pet peeve. I have the worst road rage! When I'm driving, you're always in my way! I'm always right and you're always wrong!!! Learn how to drive!

    :laugh: Exactly that!

    If you're going faster than me you're a maniac and if you're slower than me you're an idiot. My speed is always the exact perfect speed :blushing: I'm not ridiculous at all [sarcastic font] LOL

    ^^^I think we should car pool!

    Bad parkers who mess up a whole row of cars because they're too lazy to correct their parking OR take up two spots because no on can fit beside them because of their crooked parking.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Pet Peeve:

    People who think that their pets and children’s can and should go everywhere with them. There is time and place people!

    People who have no control over their kids...Why Did You Have Them? Don't make excuses, it's your fault!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    People who post DANGEROUS advice such as super low calorie deficit diets that net 200 calories a day. Will you lose? Yes. Will you be healthy? No. Will you look frail and unhealthy? Most Definitely. Will you be the skinny fat person? You betcha. So EAT SOMETHING! It is not a race. It is better to get to your goal slowly and healthily than fast and unhealthily. Fast and unhealthily results in excess skin hanging off your body and a weight that is harder to maintain once you start eating regularly.

    Oh yeah! I agree!
    I'm someone who is on an ultra-low calorie diet, but it's a medically supervised plan. I'd NEVER do it on my own. My doctor was just incredibly worried about my health, and wants me to get a lower weight ASAP. I'm there EVERY week. It IS unhealthy, and will not work for the long term. However, my doctor does use the diet as well, and she's been in maintenance as long as I've been seeing her. Lots of great advice, and support there. But it's only once a week. I need this to help the rest of the time! I'll open up my food diary once I'm off the doctor's insane plan!

    I ALWAYS say that going under 1200 calories a day is dangerous. And for some, that's too low and dangerous too!

    Feels nice to vent!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Smoking - it's disgusting. I don't want to breathe in your toxic smoke. My father was a smoker for 50 plus years, he died of lung cancer.

    peOplE whO tyPe liKe tHis

    People who don't watch their kids in public places and let them run amok
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    As a cyclist, the fact that many "drivers" think that they own the road. Cyclists are bound to the same laws as motor vehicles. Riding on the sidewalk is illegal in most places.
    Stupid, in all of it's many shapes and forms.
    Matt Lauer; smarmy *kitten*.
    The word "peeve"
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member

    peOplE whO tyPe liKe tHis

    YES! I've always hated that SO MUCH!!!
  • 1. . evangelists
    2. people who think that acting like an emotionless robot is "normal"
    3. people who are unsupportive of your weight loss goals and say things like "you don't need to lose weight"
    4. boys who don't care about anything or anyone
    5. people who let marijuana use be a priority in their life
    6. people my age (in their teens or younger) that start or continue smoking cigarrettes
    7. sorority girls that feel the need to not only look and act identical to each other, but also portray themselves is incredibly unintelligent
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    I see you live in England and maybe the laws are different there, but each of the four US states that I have lived in consider bicycles vehicles and they are required by law to operate as vehicles by riding in the road and following all driving laws and regulations. As a cyclist my pet peeve is drivers who pass me with a double yellow line while there are other vehicles approaching thereby cramming me off the road. The law here in my state of residence requires cars and trucks to give cyclist at least three feet of space, but many ignore this and it is very dangerous. All it takes is a bump or rock that a driver can't even see to dump a cyclist if there is no room to maneuver. Share the road – it is the law! We don’t get to pick and choose which driving laws we want to obey.
  • Levi_Hansen
    Levi_Hansen Posts: 44 Member
    On MFP:
    The lazy trend of quoting another poster and then say: ^THIS
    THE UK/Euro tendency to misspell lose as loose.
    gals with the downblouse pics (wow you have boobs congrats)
    guys with the ab shots (congrats right said fred you're too sexy for this site)

    In life:
    parents who smoke with kids/babies in the car.
    leaving pets in the car while you shop
    dads who don't play with their kids
    mom's who complain and nag others into doing something
    parents who threaten their kids instead of working on a solution to the problem
    road rage drivers
    older adults who tan so much their skin looks all leathery
    40 something moms who try to dress like teenagers
    incessant talkers
    guys who gossip
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Pet Peeves - MFP related:
    -Spelling lose - loose
    -People who are frustrated when they don't "loose" 10lbs in one month
    -People who hand out bad advice and pass it off as absolute
    -People who add you as a friend then never say one word to you
    -People who think starving themselves is a good idea
    -People who ask the same questions in the forums, without realizing there is a "search" button

    Ahh. Feels nice to vent. Thanks. :smile:
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Amen to the spelling/grammar issues!
  • I'm going to go with gym pet peeves since they have been driving me insane this week!

    -The girls who sit on machines and talk to their boyfriends on the phone. Umm excuse me, some of us actually want to work out while we are here!!

    -The woman yesterday who complained the whole time she was on the treadmill next to me about how she wasn't loosing weight and how this was all pointless. Let me just add she had the treadmill on 2.0 and was reading a magazine.

    -People who do not clean equipment after they're done using it!

    -Machine stalkers!!! I had a guy ask me how long I planned on being on the treadmill. And when I told him I only had 5 minutes left, he stood there the whole time waiting...CREEPER.

    -People who show up in non-athletic gear to work out..examples, house slippers, sandals, full jewelry! Really people?

    Ok...enough venting for one day!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    sorry but its not your road. I own a car and pay road tax, so surely this allows me to cycle on the road if i want to?
    cyclists are meant to use the road unless there is a designated cycle path, I have actually been stopped by a police car before and told to get off the pavement!!

    now on the other hand, i dont agree with horses being on the road, its downright dangerous, they are too unpredictable and *kitten* all over the road, they should stick to country lanes / fields etc and surely thats a nicer expercience for the horse and rider too instead of being in a busy road! My husband rides a motorbike, and the number of times he has nearly come off from trying to dodge piles of horse$hit is ridiculous!!

    MFP related - all the people who eat ridiculously low calories then come on whining saying why havent i lost 50lbs this week GRRRR