

  • This website has a ton of 20 minute workouts that you can print out and take with you. You can pick and choose from the exercises as some may require some weights and I'm not sure if you will have access to those. However, there are plenty that don't require any equipment.…
  • Hello! First, is there any room in your luggage for one more?! I could use a vacation and I love the beach! My biggest suggestion is swimming!!!! It burns a great deal of calories and I have even lost weight on vacations to the beach before b/c I spend so much time in the water. I also would pick a handful of go to…
  • I think the issue with "cheat days" is the fact that most people have a hard time stopping after that one day. To avoid this pitfall I go more for the cheat meal or cheat snack. This way you are not thrown off by a whole day of cheating, just one meal or snack. I also try and modify the rest of my eating for the day if I…
  • Great Job! Sometimes it really is a one day at a time kind of thing!
  • This was a disappointing week for me as well. I have been sick and have not had the strength or energy to exercise and have eaten more processed foods for sheer convience. I'm up two pounds :sad: but know that I will rebound quickly after I recover! As far as the show goes...I was okay with Paul going home b/c he was…
  • Since when did the color of someone's hair have anything to do with weightlifting?
  • I personally find the show very motivating. I think that the point of the last show with the therapy sessions is that gaining weight usually has an emotional reason behind it. Most people just don't deal with that part of it. I think it's pretty brave for the contestants to let everyone see what issues they dealt with that…
  • Congrats on the proposal!!!!! :heart:
  • Just another bit of info... I saw Bob Green on Oprah the other day and he said that the benefits of exercise last about 24 hours so it's important to workout at least every other day to keep the benefits consistant. So if you worked out the day before you went over in calories that benefit was still in action!
  • Hey there! Thanks for the post. I just sent this on to ten of my friends and I'm sure they will send it to more!
    in favor Comment by bla115 February 2008
  • WOO HOO Black Team!!!! I have to say that I like Bob a lot (okay maybe even a small crush :blushing: ) but how the heck does Jillian always manage to pull it out of the bag?! She is awesome!!!! Unlike some, I thought that what they did to the mom was not fair at all. I mean, voting someone off for something that happened…
  • My friend purchased a Fluidity Bar. She likes it but says that she could see how she could do the exercises without having the bar. There are two NY Ballet DVD workouts that do the same types of movements. The other thing she didn't like about it was the space it took up. This is just her though!
  • This comes just in time!!!! I have a plan to reach my goal weight at the end of April but would love the support and another way to be accountable. So how are we doing this? Are we checking in weekly?
  • I developed insomnia about a year and a half ago. It got so bad that I would literally not fall asleep for days. I headed to my local sleep lab and had a sleep study done. It ruled out things like sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, etc. but confirmed that I did have sleep problems. Even with a sleep medication that they…
    in Insomnia Comment by bla115 January 2008
  • 140 last week 138.5 this week 1.5 pounds lost this week At least it's a loss!!!
  • There must have been something in the air about this weekend because mine was terrible too!!! I think the structure of the week helps me to stay on track. On the weekends you just never know.
  • :bigsmile: Finally I busted through the 2 week plateau!!!!!:laugh: :happy: :wink: Starting weight last week: 144lbs Today's weigh in: 140lbs!!!!!!!! 4 lb total for the week!!!!!! Yippeeee!!!!!! :love: As far as the show goes..... Why is the purple team still there?!!!! Geez...they've pulled the lowest overall numbers and…
  • Thanks for the suggestions!!!
  • I have a ProForm Treadmill and absolutely love it. You can do manual but it has many differenct programs that you can do that simulate climbing hills, doing a 5K, etc. It also comes with a DVD that you can workout to and an internet site where you can download workouts (haven't tried that yet) Mine has movable arm bars…
  • Here's the recipe that I use and I absolutely love them Mock Garlic Mashed Potatoes Ingredients 1 medium head of cauliflower (I used a 16 oz. frozen bag) 1 tablespoon fat free cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup fat free grated Parmesan (I used the sprinkle kind like you put over spaghetti sauce) 1 clove minced garlic 1/8…
  • I agree I :heart: Kashi. The Go Lean Crunch has 190 calories for a 1 cup serving. I have to force myself to eat breakfast (Just not a breakfast person) so I often just do 1/2 cup serving. This along with skim milk, a handful of blueberries and a tsp of flaxseed oil is my staple breakfast. Yummy!!!
    in Granola Comment by bla115 January 2008
  • I like to see myself smile. My smile makes me want to smile but I'm already smiling. Does that makes sense? Oh well, it does to me :smile:
  • If you are like me the workplace can be a huge diet trap filled with all the wrong foods (and I work in a hospital, go figure). I have a pretty good relationship with our VP and wanted to approach him about some sort of fitness challenge for folks here. We have a very high number of employees that are overweight, etc. Does…
  • Welcome!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Welcome!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Did you have any trouble ordering from the site?? And yes, please keep me posted on how you like the other workouts!!
  • I've seen a lot of posts about Turbo Jam floating around the site. I was just wondering what results people are seeing with it. I was thinking of ordering it but wanted to get the low down on how many pounds people have lost using it, etc. Thanks!
  • Yes I actually saw Dr. Oz on Oprah talking about this. He said that study after study shows that the difference between people who successfully lose/maintain weight loss and those that don't is that when the first group falls off the wagon so to speak, they get right back on track whereas the second group lets the one day…
  • Thanks for the tip!!!
  • We all need a treat once in a while. Sounds like you are doing great with your food choices overall, so great job!